由于卑诗水电公司 (BC Hydro) 要进行线路维修和更换工作,本周列治文的几个社区将会暂时失去电力。
根据 BC Hydro 网站介绍,该公司计划定期停电以对需要断电的设备或电线进行维修。
BC Hydro 网站称:「透过规划停电并做好必要的维修工作,工作人员可以防止将来因意外或故障而发生的紧急停电情况。」
3 月 16 日上午 9 点至下午 5 点
11611, 11631, 11671, 11751 and 11911 Bridgeport Rd.
3 月 17 日上午 8 点至下午 4 点
Russ Baker Wy/gilbert, Russ Baker Way
7771 to 7771 Alderbridge Way
5399 to 5399 Cedarbridge Way
Alderbridge Way at Cedarbridge Way traffic light
Gilbert Road at Lansdowne Road traffic light
3 月 17 日上午 9 点至下午 5 点
Units 8 to 13 at 11671 Mellis Dr.
Units 1 to 33 at 11888 Mellis Dr.
4460, 4500, 4520, 4531, 4540, 4551, 4560, 4571, 4591, 4600, 4611, 4620, 4631, 4651, 4671, 4691, 4711, 4731 and 4751 Dallyn Rd.
4471, 4480, 4491, 4511, 4531, 4551, 4560, 4571, 4580, 4591, 4611, 4631, 4651, 4653, 4660, 4671 and 4691 Danforth Dr.
4231, 4240, 4260, 4271 and 4280 Deerfield Cres.
11651 Dewsbury Dr.
4460, 4500, 4520, 4531, 4540, 4551, 4560, 4571, 4591, 4600, 4611, 4620, 4631, 4651, 4671, 4691, 4711, 4731 and 4751 Dallyn Rd.
4471, 4480, 4491, 4511, 4531, 4551, 4560, 4571, 4580, 4591, 4611, 4631, 4651, 4653, 4660, 4671 and 4691 Danforth Dr.
4231, 4240, 4260, 4271 and 4280 Deerfield Cres.
11651 Dewsbury Dr.
8431 to 8560 Rosebank Cres.
8411 to 8580 Rosehill Dr.
10851 to 10974 Roseland Gate.
8520 to 8560 Rosemary Ave.
3 月 18 日上午 9 点至下午 5 点
2320 No 4 Rd.
10071, 10120, 10126, 10128, 10140, 10146 Finlayson Dr.
10080, 10086, 10088 Gilmore Cres.
9200 Bridgeport Rd.
3 月 19 日上午 9 点至下午 4 点
8400, 8555, 8633, 8677 Capstan Way
8608 Hazelbridge Way
Hazelbridge Way traffic light at Sexsmith Rd.
3300, 3500, 3531, 3580 No 3 Rd.
3340 Sexsmith Rd.
Units 1 to 7, 19, 20 at 11671 Cambie Rd.
12231 Bridgeport Rd.
3 月 20 日上午 8 点至下午 4 点
8080 to 8291 Park Rd.
6591 and 6733 Buswell St.
6760 and 6780, 6800 No. 3 Rd.
3 月 21 日上午 9 点至下午 5 点
10500, 10566, 10640, 10644, 10660, 10680, 10700, 10720 and 11000 Railway Ave.
5988 Kittiwake Dr.
6079 Monteith Rd.
11800, 11871, 11891, 11911, 11931, 11951, 11971, 11991 and 12031 No. 2 Rd.
8360, 8371 Osgoode Dr.
8611 Osgoode Pl.
3月22日上午 9 点至下午5点
Units 101 to 314 at 4888 Vanguard Rd.
Units 101 to 314 at 4899 Vanguard Rd.
13020 to 13260 Delf Pl.
4460 to 4711 Jacombs Rd.
13040 to 13268 Worster Crt.