一段视频显示,这名滑雪者挂在惠斯勒黑梳山Spanky's Ladder附近的一陡峭悬崖上,他拼命抓住岩石表面,以防摔下去。
这段视频由惠斯勒度假村Core Snowboard Camps的滑雪教练奥利维尔·罗伊(Olivier Roy)“几周前”上传到Instagram上。
translateX(3px) translateY(1px); width: 12.5px; flex-grow: 0; margin-right: 14px; margin-left: 2px;">Here's the better, original footage of the guy stuck on a cliff I filmed a couple of weeks ago. I was coming out of the Spanky's Ladder zone on Blackcomb with the groupe I'm coaching, when we saw a bit of commotion and, eventually, this poor guy perched halfway up a nasty cliff with no way up or down. I had with me the camp video camera, so I was able to get a few good close-ups of him hanging on for his life. As comical as it was that anyone would keep going and get themself into such a bad spot, we where also all very worried for him. Shortly after, 6-7 patrollers started showing up with lots of ropes, but we had to leave before we could see the actual rescue. I heard that after 1-2 hours they managed to get him out of there. He was seen later having a beer with his buddy at the GLC. He's alright! Live commentating by @adventures_of_megs For licensing and usage, please contact licensing@collab.inc @corecamps #rescue #cliff #rescue #cliffrescue #snowboard #blackcomb #spankysladder #brownpants #dontmove #wrongway #chill #funnynotfunny #boardtube #failarmy #jerryoftheday #failsvids