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Quality Time


What good is the house and the recreational vehicle and all other things if we do not ever enjoy them together?


What is Betty’s desire? Quality time with Bill. She wanted his attention. She wanted him to focus on her, to give her time, to do things with her.


By “quality time”, I mean giving someone your undivided attention. I do not mean sitting on the couch watching TV together. When you spend time that way, ABC or NBC has your attention --- not your spouse. What I mean is sitting on the couch with the TV, computer or iphone off, looking at each other and talking, giving each other your undivided attention. It means taking a walk, just the two of you, or going out to eat and looking at each other and talking.


Have you ever noticed that in a restaurant, you can almost always tell the difference between a dating couple and a married couple? Dating couples look at each other and talk. Married couples sit there and gaze around the restaurant. You’d think they went there to eat!


Patrick’s wife had been pleading for quality conversation. Emotionally, she longed for him to focus attention on her by listening to her pain and frustration. Patrick was not focusing on listening but on speaking. He listened only long enough to hear the problem and formulate a solution. He did not listen long enough or well enough to hear his wife's cry for support and understanding.


Many of us are like Patrick.

                                          We are trained to analyze problems

                                          and create solutions. We forget that

                                        marriage is a relationship, not a project

                                         to be completed or a problem to solve.

A relationship calls for sympathetic listening with a view to understanding the other person’s thoughts, feelings, and desires.


Most of us have little training in listening. We are far more efficient in thinking and speaking. Learning to listen may be as difficult as learning a foreign language, but learn we must, if we want to communicate love.


I suggest the following summary of practical tips:


        Maintain eye contact when your spouse is talking.

        Do not listen to your spouse and do something else at the same time.

        Listen to feelings.

        Observe body language.

        Refuse to interrupt.






(待续,to be continued)




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