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Diana Li

Block A

June 10, 2016


Personal Healthy Living Plan Assignment


Part A:

I will not change the way that I eat in general because my eating habit is healthy. Here are some reasons why I think my way of eating is healthy.  According to the food guide, a person should “eat at least one dark green and one orange vegetables each day”. I usually eat broccoli, carrot and lettuce every day. I eat an apple and an orange in the evening. For the grain product, I usually have two pieces of whole grain bread or white bread in the morning and eat rice or noodles for my lunch, which matches what food guide says —— at least half of your grain products are whole grain each day. The last reason is that I drink 1% milk every day. I always choose lower fat milk. In addition, I avoid eating pork since it has too much fat in it. I eat two eggs every day in order to get enough protein, which helps make my body strong and healthy.


Part B:

1)    I usually do such exercises as running, swimming, and playing basketball. In the morning, I go jogging for ten minutes. I enjoy walking for an hour after my dinner. I think walking can help digest food.  According to the daily physical activity requirement, we need do sports 150 minutes a week. So I do physical exercises for 22 minutes every day (150/7=22mins). I have P.E. classes every day and I do lots of exercises in the class. I think I have done enough exercises and I do not need to do more.


2)    Here are some challenges that I have to face as I develop and maintain a regular habit of exercising. First, I do not have enough time to do exercises. I need to prepare lots of things before I do exercises. I have to take a shower after finishing the exercises. Second, I cannot do outdoor exercises or aerobic exercises if the weather is bad. Finally, I cannot persist if I do not have any motivation or support from other people.


3)    There are many benefits from regular exercises. I can have a strong and healthy body. I can lose my weight properly instead of going on a diet. Exercises can help me improve my sleep quality, too.


    ( to be continued )

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