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鸡胸肉 100克
乌冬面 250克
蚝菇 100克
青菜 50克
干红辣椒 3克
盐 3克
白胡椒粉 少许
淀粉 2克
厨用酒 10ml
姜 5克
蒜 5克
油 55ml

1. 把鸡胸肉切片再切成丝,加:1克盐,少许白胡椒粉,2克淀粉,5ml厨用酒,抓匀后加5ml食用油拌匀,腌制20分钟。加油的目的是使鸡丝在炒的时候容易散开。
2. 将蚝菇撕成细条备用
3. 烧开一锅水,加1克盐,5ml食用油,放入洗净的青菜,烫30秒后捞出, 冷水冲洗后备用。然后放入乌冬面,盖上锅盖。水煮开后再煮1分钟,捞出面条备用。
4. 开大火,热锅后加油15ml,倒入鸡丝翻炒,从锅边淋入厨用酒5ml,翻炒至鸡丝转白捞出备用。转中火,加油30ml,炒香姜,蒜和干红辣椒,倒入蚝菇大火翻炒至断生,加入面条翻炒30秒后再倒入鸡丝翻炒均匀,加1克盐调味,倒入烫好的青菜,关火。一盆鸡肉鲜嫩,香气扑鼻的鸡丝炒面就做好啦!

Chicken breast 100g
Udon noodle 250g
Oyster mushroom 100g
Bok-choy 50g
Dried red chilli pepper 3g
Salt 3g
Ground white pepper powder 1 pinch
Corn starch 1/2teaspoon
Cooking wine 2 teaspoon
Ginger 5g
Garlic 5g
Oil 55ml

1. Slice the chicken breast, then cut into shreds. Add 1/4 teaspoon of salt, 1 pinch of ground white pepper powder, 1/2 teaspoon of corn starch, 1 teaspoon of cooking wine; mix all the ingredients into the chicken shreds, then add 1 teaspoon of oil, mix well and marinate for 20 mins. The purpose of adding oil to the chicken shreds is to make the chicken shreds easier to spread out during stir fry.
2. Tear the oyster mushrooms into thin pieces
3. Bring a pot of water to a boil, add 1/4 teaspoon of salt and 1 teaspoon of oil; toss the bok-choy into the water and blanch for 30 seconds; flush the bok-choy with cold water to halt the cooking process, set aside. Put the udon noodle to the pot and bring the water to a boil again, continue cook 1 min and remove the udon noodle from the pot.
4. Heat a pan over high heat, add oil 1 tablespoon, add the marinated chicken breast shreds and stir fry, drizzle in 1 teaspoon of cooking wine from pan sides. Romove the chicken breast shreds from the pan when it turns white. Heat the pan over medium heat, add oil 2 tablespoon, saute garlic, ginger, and dried red chilli pepper; toss in oyster mushrooms and stir fry over high heat until it is cooked; add udon noodle and stir fry for 30seconds, then add the cooked chicken breast shreds and 1/4 teaspoon of salt, stir well. Finally, toss in the blanched bok-choy. Turn off the heat. A delicious and fragrant chicken fried noodle dish is ready.

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发布者: 游客