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如果从来都没有在某个商业领域里做过,你对于自己从事这个行业的市场情景如何,就比较难于把握。 将创业构想付诸实施之前,最好要评估一下创业构想是否可行,有没有潜在的利润可以获取。




  • 创建一个客户基本资料库
  1. Create a Customer Profile


        Your customers might be consumers or retail stores, wholesalers or manufacturers, government or other

        institutions. List as many points as you can about who you think will buy your product.


  • 列出并描述创业构想的特色
  1. List and Describe the Features


        State how these features will benefit your customer. Define the features of your idea and determine what

        these features do for your customer. You will create a list of the selling points that you can use in your

        advertising,your brochures, and in your sales presentation.


  • 确定商业服务的区域
  1. Define Your Geographic Area


        Are you selling to your neighborhood? British Columbia? Globally? By defining where you are going to sell,

        you will likely be able to figure out how many potential customers are located in this area. If you are selling

        to a large geographic area, you will likely need a good deal of money,marketing, and resources.


  • 你的竞争者是谁?
  1. Who Are Your Competitors?


        Once you determine who and where your customers are, you must determine whom you have to share

        them with. Find out if similar products are carried in retail outlets. Once identified, search for information

        on competitors in industry directories, either in print or online databases.


  • 竞争者的要价是多少?
  1. What Price Do They Charge?


        Establish what your competitors charge and list the selling points of their product or service.

        Try to find your industry’s wholesale and retail price.


  • 你的要价会是多少?
  1. What Price Can You Charge?


        Determining how competitive you can be is a big step toward establishing how feasible your idea is. If your

        product is superior to your competition and your market is not very price sensitive, then you may be able

        to charge considerably more than your competition. If you are selling to retailers or wholesalers, you will

        have to leave enough room for others to mark your products up.


  • 确定你独特的卖点
  1. Define Your Unique Selling Points


        What is unique about your offer that would benefit your customer? There may be something about your

        product,  your price, the friendliness and speed of your service, your hours of operation, your level of

        quality, the skills of your employees, or other aspects of your business.


  • 弄清楚你的市场或行业的趋势
  1. Identify Trends in Your Market or Industry


        Knowing trends in your market or industry will help you determine where it’s going and how your business

        periodicals index to help you find these articles.


  • 分析你的增长潜力
  1. Analyse Your Growth Potential


        Is your industry or market growing or declining? Are trends or new fads peaking or declining? Generally,

        you will be more successful as part of a growing market. Check business and industry/trade magazines for

        recent articles.


  • 如何让顾客知道你的存在?
  1. How Will Your Customers Know You Exist?


       So now you know who your customers are, where they are and why they will buy your product. How are

        you going to communicate your offer to them? Will you rely on having a good location? How will you

        promote or advertise?


      (待续,to be continued)




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报名联系方式:电子邮箱:zhucx2004@gmail.com或微信: fraser1062096。请附上“小生意创业讲座”注册的字样说明。
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从2018年7月1日开始,“翠竹青青”将在温哥华的Oakridge Library,列治文市中心的Wave Coffee Shop,本拿比Library at Metrotown, 主办华语版的“卑诗省小生意创业讲座”,前三期免费,名额为每期8人,预订从速,先到先注册。
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