
说说西人笔友马杰富(Jeff Mahoney)

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我是在温哥华Fairmont Hotel举办的一次图书出版研讨会上结识马杰富的,当时我们倆碰巧坐在最后一排的同一条桌子上。


研讨会中途休息的时候,我们做了几分钟的交谈,得知他已经出版了他的第一步科幻小说《星球》(The Planet),该书的电子版正在亚马逊图书销售网上热销。他的第二部小说也接近尾声,计划今年年内出版。









Jeff Mahoney is a new author that hails from a varied background. He has lived and worked as a professional musician, a heavy-duty mechanic, a farmer and currently as an educator. Jeff has just returned from Northern China, where he was a high school teacher in the largest school in the Liaoning Province. Jeff began his work on the The Planet while living and teaching in China in order to improve his teaching skills. Soon, what began as a short story began to expand into this book. Jeff now lives in Vancouver, B.C., Canada with his wife and his two cats, Paddy and Timber. Jeff teaches at the Mathison Academy in Vancouver, where he assists students with their English studies. Jeff enjoys jazz music, mountain biking and the thought that the universe is filled with infinite possibilities.




The story is one of human strife and survival in an age when resources are limited and corruption within the nine colonies is high. It is an age of separatist ideals and greed. While fleet commanders may still answer to the colonies, they still are motivated by the discovery of new and invaluable energy sources. The discovery of a new planet will lead one such Captain and his crew, into a perilous situation. With the help of the “locals” they must unite or fall.







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发布者: 游客