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     1.  直接引用:打引号,并标明出处 —— Quotation and Direct Speech。


“Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.”

  (Franklin: 1914)


自于1814年出版的Poor Richard's Almanack一书


     2.  间接引用:不用打引号,但注明出处——Quotation and Indirect Speech。

       Franklin once said that early to bed, early to rise made a man healthy, wealthy and wise. (Franklin: 1886). I have kept his doctrine in mind and checked consistently whether I have followed his teachings or not.




  Original paragraph:

  Usually, female kangaroos give birth to one joey at a time. Newborns weigh as little as 0.03 ounces at birth. After birth, the joey crawls into its mother’s pouch, where it will nurse and continue to grow and develop. Red kangaroo joeys do not leave the pouch for good until they are more than eight months old.

       Retrieved from http://www.kidsplanet.org/planetsheets/kangaroo.html.


  After a female kangaroo gives birth to a joey, the newborn crawls into its mother’s pouch where it feeds and grows until it is eight months old.

 Retrieved from google: an example of paraphrasing




    我们可以将小乐的连载小说《孤独如风》改编成电视剧,也可以就莫笑的诗《错过》改写成一篇短篇小说。许多世界名著享受过“改编”的待遇。例如,中国的四大名著《红楼梦》,《三国演义》,《西游记》和《水浒传》都曾被改编成电影或电视连续剧。改编不属于抄袭和剽窃侵权行为,有时改编的作品甚至比原著更出名,更有影响力,例如,美国电影《飘》(原著是一部长篇小说,书名是Gone with the Wind),英国电影《魂断蓝桥》(原作是舞台剧)。至于改编作品所引起的版权归属问题,那是法律专业人士需要考虑的问题,不在本文的讨论范围之内。改编的作品是否忠实于原著,那是文学评论家所要关心的事情,这里也不做讨论。




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发布者: 游客     
任何靠copy, substitute examinee等不 - Brown Beaver   7年前
任何靠copy, substitute examinee等不法行为蒙混过关的个人或团体,迟早会东窗事发,害人害己。我呼吁,让一切学习和学术活动在阳光下进行。
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剽窃(plagiarism)在学术界和教育界都是很严重的问题 - Brown Beaver   7年前
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聪明的读者从这篇文章中,可以嗅出英文写作范式的味道: Th - Brown Beaver   7年前
聪明的读者从这篇文章中,可以嗅出英文写作范式的味道: Thesis Statement: 在英文写作中,作者可以有很多种办法 合理地避免抄袭行为。 Controlling idea: 很多种办法合理地避免抄袭行为。
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《魂断蓝桥》原作舞台剧的剧名是WaterlooBridg - Brown Beaver   7年前
《魂断蓝桥》原作舞台剧的剧名是WaterlooBridge,是英国伦敦泰晤士河上的一座石拱桥。 https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e4/River_Thames_and_Waterloo_Bridge%2C_London-17Aug2009.jpg
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推荐美国电影《飘》,也译为 - 《随风而逝》   7年前
        《飘》,也称《随风而逝》     Gone With Wind      Margaret Mitchell's epic American classic, winner of 10 Academy Awards!     On the eve of the American Civil War, rich, beautiful and self-centered Scarlett O'Hara has everything she could want - except the handsome Ashley Wilkes. When war devastates the South, Scarlett must concern herself with more important things than girlhood love. As the nation and the world changes around her, Scarlet finds an adult tenacity that carries her through all obstacles, still in pursuit of what she wants - the man that got away. Sparks fly along the way as the wily Rhett Butler comes in and out of her life - the only man she has met who is a match for her strong will. Only after Rhett walks out on her does Scarlett realize what she has lost... and decides to win him back. Starring Oscar-winners Vivien Leigh, Clark Gable, Olivia de Havilland, Thomas Mitchell, and Oscar-nominated Leslie Howard. Ranked as the #2 Greatest Love Story of all time by AFI.    可以在YouTube上看。欣赏曲折凄婉的爱情故事,了解美国内战时代的历史面貌,学习美式英语。
You can see the movie again if you go to YouTube - and search   7年前
Waterloo Bridge, a captivating black and white film classic starring Vivien Leigh and Robert Taylor, is a 1940 remake of the 1931 original. The 1940 version was a box office success. It was nominated for two Academy Awards -- Best Music and Best Cinematography. The movie tells the story of a ballerina (Myra) and an officer (Roy) who met on Waterloo Bridge during an air raid. Roy departed for the war shortly after he and Myra became lovers. Myra, after mistakenly believing that Roy had been killed, descended into prostitution. She eventually committed suicide in order not to get Roy involved in a scandal. Auld Lang Syne was written by the Scottish poet Robert Burns in Scottish dialect. The title of the song, in English, is "Old Friends Do not Forget the Old Days". 这首歌曲的中文名字是“老朋友怎能忘记掉过去的好时光”。 在中国的时候,每次参加舞会,在舞会即将结束的时候,就听到这首歌曲。此刻,参加舞会的人都知道,是曲终人散的时候了。