
Encounter My Countrymen at Rockport

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               Encounter My Countrymen at Rockport


                   ----in McArthur Glen Design Outlet by YVR Airport


                Written by Charles Zhu

                March 20, 2018


    Nostalgic emotion was motivated with recognition of my customers’ strong accent of the Southern Chinese dialect.

    Yesterday I encountered three customers who, I judged, came from my hometown, the city of Heavengate, Hubei province, China. The story took place like this.

    It was a beautiful day yesterday. Brian Woods, district manager of Rockport, Charmaine, my colleague, and I, whose name is Charles Zhu, were working in the Rockport Outlet Store 1840, located near YVR airport in Richmond. On the early afternoon, I approached the customers quickly when I heard them talking about the waterproof Wayde Mudguard Oxford. With a smile, I asked in Mandarin Chinese,

    “Hello. Is there anything I can help you with today?

    “We are looking for kind of shoes which are waterproof and have a good walkability,” the old man replied.

      I got excited when I realised that he spoke the dialect of my hometown in China.

    “ Do you come from the city of Heavengate in Hubei province?”

    “ Yes. How do you know that?” he wondered.

    “ I was born in Heavengate. I lived there for eighteen years.  I recognized your accent,” I told him.

    “So you are an immigrant, aren't you? How long have you lived in Vancouver?” he asked with curiosity.

    “ I have lived in Vancouver for fourteen years,” I answered.

    “You had come here earlier than my daughter did. My grandson Xiao Ming studies in an elementary school in Richmond. My daughter accompanies him, taking charge of his daily chores. Last month my wife and I travelled to Vancouver and stayed with my daughter and my grandson.


    Heavengate! Heavengate! I have not visited my hometown since 2008. Right now the name of this heavenly city has brought me back to my childhood. An interesting story about the city of Heavengate has appealed to me since I was a child. The legend goes as follows:

    Seven hundred years ago in Ming Dynasty, a young scholar travelled a long distance to the capital of Ming Dynasty to participate in the Imperial Examination. He settled down in a small hotel. There he met with a beautiful young girl. He knew nothing about her family background. They fell in love and ate the forbidden apple. The young lady got pregnant and her belly became visibly larger and larger day after day.

    One day the girl’s parents found out her daughter’s secret and got exasperated with her. They asked who was the mischief-maker. As a matter of fact, the girl’s parents were neither common people nor ordinary officials in the government. Instead they were emperor and empress, who had established Ming Dynasty.

    The emperor was furious with the young scholar, who had committed such a crime. All the high officials kneeled down and requested the emperor to have mercy on the talented young man. In rage, the emperor announced:

    “He would be alive if the Heaven’s  gate were opened,”

    The young man kneeled down swiftly and reported to the emperor in a high voice,

    “ I come from the Heavengate, my majesty.”

    In ancient China, whatever the emperor said was law, which everybody had to abide by.

    As a result, the young scholar was permitted to marry the emperor’s daughter. He was also awarded with the title of top scholar among thousands of examinees.


    Even today the students from the city of Heavengate are always on the top rank among the examinees who attended the College Entrance Examination.


    Finally, my hometown customers purchased two pairs of shoes. When I was processing the transaction, The old man said,

    “I would like to boost your business because of our countrymen’s intimacy. My original plan is to buy one pair of shoes. I ended with purchase of two pairs. I feel happy today.”

    I saw them off to the gate of the store, watching them go away.


    I was exalted today! I enjoy serving the customers and making their purchase experience unusual and memorable.




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联系方式:微信号:fraser1062096, 电子邮箱 - - Brown Beaver   7年前
联系方式:微信号:fraser1062096, 电子邮箱 - - 联系方式:微信号:fraser1062096, 电子邮箱 - 联系方式:微信号:fraser1062096, 电子邮箱:zhucx2004@gmail.com. “红枫叶文学社”祝翠轩老师/Charles Zhu。 来信请注明:“温哥华天空”红枫叶文学社,原创栏目组。
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想要参加温哥华天空 ”红枫叶文学社“的同学和各位文学爱好者, - Brown Beaver   7年前
想要参加温哥华天空 ”红枫叶文学社“的同学和各位文学爱好者, - 想要参加温哥华天空 ”红枫叶文学社“的同学和各位文学爱好者, - 想要参加温哥华天空 ”红枫叶文学社“的同学和各位文学爱好者,请与祝翠轩老师联系,分享您的创作经验,分享您的英文或中文的原创作品,十分感谢您的参与。
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非常感谢我的同班同学张琴教授给我的专栏文章修改润色。张琴教授 - Brown Beaver   7年前
非常感谢我的同班同学张琴教授给我的专栏文章修改润色。张琴教授,毕业于美国University of New Mexico, 获传播学博士学位,现在任教于纽约Fairfield University,讲授传播学课程。
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经过张琴教授修改润色后的版本,供大家做英文写作参考。英文水平有限,望方家不吝赐教。 - 学海无涯   7年前
            Encountering My Countrymen From China                 --at Rockport, McArthur Glen Design Outlet by YVR Airport                     by Charles Zhu, March 25, 2018   I became nostalgic yesterday when I overheard three customers speaking the familiar dialect of my hometown, the City of Heavengate, Hubei Province, China. It was a beautiful day yesterday. Brian Woods, district manager of Rockport, Charmaine, my colleague, and I were working in the Rockport Outlet Store 1840, located near YVR airport in Richmond. On the early afternoon, I approached the customers quickly when I heard them talking about the waterproof Wayde Mudguard Oxford. With a smile, I asked in Mandarin Chinese, “Hello, is there anything I can help you with today? “We are looking for kind of shoes which are waterproof and have a good walkability,” the old man replied.   I got excited when I realized that he spoke the dialect of my hometown in China. “ Are you from the City of Heavengate in Hubei Province?” “ Yes. How do you know that?” he wondered. “ I was born in Heavengate. I recognize your accent,” I told him. “So you have immigrated to Canada. How long have you been in Vancouver?” he asked with curiosity. “I have been in Vancouver for fourteen years,” I answered. “You had come here earlier than my daughter did. My grandson Xiao Ming attends an elementary school in Richmond. My daughter takes care of his daily life. Last month my wife and I came over from China to visit them.   Heavengate! Heavengate! I have not visited my hometown since 2008. Right now the encounter brought me back to my childhood, and made me think of an interesting story about the City of Heavengate since I was a child. Seven hundred years ago in Ming Dynasty, a young scholar travelled a long distance to the Capital to participate in the Imperial Examination. He settled down in a small hotel. There he encountered a beautiful young girl. They fell in love and ate the forbidden apple. She got pregnant and her belly became visibly larger and larger day by day. One day the girl’s parents found out their daughter’s secret and got exasperated with her. They asked who the father was. As a matter of fact, the girl’s parents were no ordinary people or government officials. Instead, they were the emperor and empress, who had established Ming Dynasty. The emperor was furious with the young scholar, who had committed the crime. All the high officials kneeled down and begged the emperor to have mercy on the talented young man. In rage, the emperor announced: “His life would be spared if the Heaven’s gate were opened,” The young man kneeled down swiftly and reported to the emperor ina high voice, “ I am from Heavengate, Your Majesty.” In ancient China, whatever the emperor said was law, which should never be broken or reversed. As a result, the young scholar was allowed to marry the emperor’s daughter. He was also awarded the title of the top scholar that year.   Even today the students from the City of Heavengate consistently excel in the national college entrance examination.   In the end, my hometown customers purchased two pairs of shoes. The old man said to me happily: “I would like to help with your business because of our hometown connection. My original plan was to buy one pair, but now I want to buy two pairs. I am so happy today.” I saw them off to the door, watching them go away.   I was so excited today! I enjoy serving customers and making their purchase experience special and memorable.  
欢迎大家对故事中英文表述欠妥的地方提出改进意见,也希望通过这 - Brown Beaver   7年前
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You sure know how to kiss - 赞一个. (回复:Brown Beaver)   7年前
感谢“温哥华天空”编辑同行们的热情鼓励和支持,感谢他们破例让我和故事中的天门老乡的照片出现在文章片头 - Brown Beaver   7年前
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