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觉得自己变得爱无能了.. 对爱情彻底绝望, 一直很挣扎 为什么没人懂我, 一直没遇到那个人 很迷茫...
主要是 你也遇不到那个你能懂的人。 我们因为无法了解对方,也不知道如何爱对方,有时候又觉得也没人爱自己 没人懂自己。诶
要让人家懂你,就应该多说说自己的想法和心里话, 交流很重要。
听张杰的 这就是爱

回 1楼(bmwbaby) 的帖子

[s:206] 怎么每个版都有你,无处不在啊你
愛, 就是他的一顰一笑都牽動著你; 你的全部心思都在留意他的說話他的行動. 他快樂的時候, 你比他更開心; 他受委屈的時候, 你比他更氣忿. 他不需要很漂亮, 很富有, 很有才... 即使只是平凡人一個, 但你就是很想和他在一起, 說說話, 看看美麗的風景; 開心的時候, 會希望和他分享; 不開心的時候, 希望他在你的身邊, 那怕他只是默不作聲的陪伴在你的身邊......
同感,呵呵~楼主要开开心心的喔~[s:200] [s:201] 开心最重要
[s:200] [s:200] 遇到我你就會知道什麼是愛!
[quote]引用第15楼夏寒于2011-07-02 08:01发表的  : [s:200] [s:200] 遇到我你就會知道什麼是愛! [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=304041&pid=7351180][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] 恩,这个我可以做证,遇上德华兄,你就遇上了纯纯的爱!
找到了就自然懂了。找不到就肯定不懂。[s:210] [s:210] [s:210]
[s:208] 问题是哪种爱··
Love is God, God is Love, the definition of Love is Jesus Christ of Nazareth!. want to learning more? please come to our Chinese community centre at July 3rd 10am to 12:30pm address: [url]http://maps.google.ca/maps/ms?hl=en&ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=211881065664094925982.0004a2bec0644277ca014&ll=49.262076[/url],-123.03437&    What is love? Love is a decision to meet another person’s needs for life without expecting yours to be met. Why? You must decide to love without this condition because your needs might not be met. This concept is agape, unconditional love. The Bible says that Jesus laid His life down for you while you were yet a sinner (Rom 5:8). He had no guarantee that you were going to respond. For this reason, agape is the most beautiful love in the world. If you have a reason for love, the reason has to be maintained in order for love to remain. That expectation is too much pressure. If God had said, “I love you because you are holy,” that pressure would be too great for us. God never does that. He simply says that He loves us. The closest we get to God having a motive for love is John 3:16, which states, “For God so loved the world, that he gave…” However, He does not tell us why. That keeps the pressure off of us. This is the beauty of agape. It has no reason or condition.
爱无能...原来我得的是这个 对爱情不要歇斯底里,。并不是没有了爱情就没法生活的。 不需要迷茫。 过好自己的日子善待周围的人。爱情说来就来了。
Love is part of the life, just like your job.  Sometimes you spend lots of time / effort on yout work but it doesn't mean you will get the same equal amount of results.  Sometimes you think u find a right job, but after few years working, u feel boring.  Sometimes u don't like your job or u want to get better job, therefore u changed it. But not everyone can change or sometimes u might change the wrong job too.  Even though u work under what u graduated, but it doesn't mean it will fit you.  No matter what, there might be only 0.000001 % perfect match, so why not live more happily, try to understand each other ( doesn't mean totally agree / listen on one side), more communications, say what u think, guessing is not right because this is not a game, and don't say I thought u will know because nobody can read your mind.
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