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求職中文文案/設計 Seeking for a position of Copywriter/Designer

(Vansky Copyright)
更新时间: 2022-02-10, 06:01
联系人 联系人: Tracy
邮箱 邮箱   : tracyhung712@gmail.com
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本人擁有多年的中文文案工作經驗,自大學畢業後一直從事文字工作,曾於銀行及廣告公司工作,擅長用戶體驗寫作(UX Writing)、社交媒體和搜尋引擎優化(SEO)文案寫作。

於媒體廣告公司任職期間亦需廣告團隊合作,共同策劃活動方案,針對各類型的客戶制定多元化的營銷策略和創新的活動推廣方案,並協助撰寫主題文稿(如社交媒體廣告、橫幅廣告、eDM郵件、網站、業配文案等等)及社交媒體創作,進行平面設計和短片製作。因此本人熟練各種多媒體製作技術,包括Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, After Effects, Premiere Pro等。



As a professional and creative copywriter with over 3 years of experience, I am seeking a position of Chinese Copywriter or digital designer.

In every copywriter role I have held, I have demonstrated my creative and technical skills in writing. I created innovative, engaging and professional Chinese copywriting and SEO content. Working with the advertising team and project team allows me to develop various digital marketing campaigns for clients and craft creative copies across digital channels, like social media platform, banner, eDM and website. We worked with a wide range of clients, including hotels, jewellery, beauty, insurance, bank, medical, and etc.

Apart from copywriting and SEO writing, I also have working experience on multimedia designer. I am very familiar and comfortable with many aspects of design, like Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, After Effects, Premiere Pro, etc.

Please contact me if there's a suitable role. Thanks




Vansky Copyright

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