高质量的书籍,高尔夫球和玩具 High-quality books, golf balls and toys
适合6+岁的儿童和成年人购买 Good for children older than 6 and adults to purchase
There are many items that I have not listed on the charts below, please check the pictures carefully and contact me after you have made your selection.
请在看到心仪的物品时联系我 Please contact me when you have any questions about a thing you want
支持讲价, 折扣会在$1-$5不等 Price is negotiable and the discount will be around $1 to $5 depends on the item.
单独购买一个免费商品:$1-$3 不等
支持现金和Paypal转帐 Please pay with cash or paypal
不支持微信与支付宝转账 Sorry but AliPay and WeChat Pay are not supported.
更多信息请联系我的电话 Call me or text me for more information
非常感谢 Thanks
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