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part time CDA/DA needed for a busy dental office in metrotown(thursday)

(Vansky Copyright)
发布时间: 2019-02-21, 10:47
联系人 联系人: manager
微信 微信   :
电话 电话   : 1111111111


地址 地址   : metrotown  

Modern, luxurious, elegant dental office is looking for a part time CDA/DA, every thursday!

have minimum 1 years full time experience in dentistry. Must posse proficient computer skills, experience with CLEARDENT is an asset. Chinese speaking and Reception experience would be an asset. You must be responsible, capable of taking initiative to problem solve, extremely organized and very detail-oriented with the ability to multi-task and prioritize their day to day tasks. Good attitude, motivated, you will be working with many people, must be able to help others as well.




Vansky Copyright

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