温哥华生意买卖 地产经纪 赵信德 Frank Chen 天空视频 女神的衣橱


(Vansky Copyright)
发布时间: 2018-08-03, 10:13
联系人 联系人: Lorraine
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电话 电话   : 6042768834



講員:Phyllis Chan, Community Engagement Advisor// BC Responsible and Problem Gambling Program

小賭怡情,大賭亂性。怎麼算是小賭,怎麼算是大賭呢?人的性情是怎麼和賭博相互影響糾纏的呢?如果賭博已經成為你生活中不可分離的一部份,你有否感覺自己已經泥足深陷於問題賭博中,難以自拔?不必擔心,今次講座將而一個話劇的形式一起探索一下關於賭博的點點滴滴! 敬請留意!免費茶點恭候。愛心小組主題講座請提前10 分鐘到場就座。

How much is too much? How does human temperament and gambling influence each other?  If gambling has become an inseparable part of your life, do you feel that you have muddled yourself in problem gambling and that becomes difficult for you to get out from it? Don’t worry, this time, we will perform two drama comedies to increase awareness of problem gambling. To guarantee your seat, please arrive 10 minutes early for the workshop or to register.

地點 Venue:烈治文開創會所3樓Pathways Clubhouse P3
(315-8111 Granville Ave., Richmond V6Y 1P5)
日期 Date: 2018年8月11日星期六 August 11th, 2018 Saturday
時間 Time: 下午 1:00 – 2:30 pm

聯絡 Contact: 604-276-8834 Ext.215 吳小姐 Lorraine Ng

Heart to Heart Sharing Group


This confidential interactive “Heart to Heart Sharing group" is
part of the Richmond Chinese Family Support Group. We meet once
a month dedicated to provide people with an opportunity to
understand the importance of proper and open communications in a
positive manner through sharing and mutual support. Our focus is
to encourage positive thinking and personal growth in dealing with
daily issues.

地點 Venue:烈治文開創會所3樓Pathways Clubhouse P3
(315-8111 Granville Ave., Richmond V6Y 1P5)
日期 Date: 2018年8月11日星期六 August 11th, 2018 Saturday
時間 Time: 下午 2:45 – 4:00 pm

聯絡 Contact: 604-276-8834 Ext.215 吳小姐 Lorraine Ng

*limited visitor parking is available on the 1st floor of parkade at 8080 Anderson Road (Stalls #5-17 only)*



Vansky Copyright

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