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如果财产可观的话,是有必要的,不然真要到那个时候,说不清楚还要打官司,会很麻烦,要花的钱也不会少。 一般这种协议都是结婚年头越久,离婚的话给的越多,结婚五年多少钱,结婚十年多少钱,结婚五十年给多少钱,当然,到那时候给再多也花不动了,一般十年也算久的了,可以好好参考一下Elin和Tiger Woods的案例。 我也有一个朋友的朋友生了个儿子,亲子鉴定完后,她老公立即转了五千万人民币现金到她银行户头上,也是婚前协议,婚姻就像做生意,我也不觉得她能高兴到哪里去,做豪门媳妇也有豪门的心酸,做穷人也有穷人的快乐,人都要有觉悟。
[quote]引用第21楼流氓兔子于2010-09-10 15:10发表的 : 如果财产可观的话,是有必要的,不然真要到那个时候,说不清楚还要打官司,会很麻烦,要花的钱也不会少。 一般这种协议都是结婚年头越久,离婚的话给的越多,结婚五年多少钱,结婚十年多少钱,结婚五十年给多少钱,当然,到那时候给再多也花不动了,一般十年也算久的了,可以好好参考一下Elin和Tiger Woods的案例。 我也有一个朋友的朋友生了个儿子,亲子鉴定完后,她老公立即转了五千万人民币现金到她银行户头上,也是婚前协议,婚姻就像做生意,我也不觉得她能高兴到哪里去,做豪门媳妇也有豪门的心酸,做穷人也有穷人的快乐,人都要有觉悟。 [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=259789&pid=5994407][img]/club/p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] 嗯,很同意的说 。 说清楚了以后 到后面不容易有问题 , 并且如果真的在一起没有分开的话 ,就算之前签字了差别也不大, 是家里的东西还是一起用 。
[quote]引用第17楼bunnyface于2010-09-10 12:48发表的 : If i was a guy i would be ALL OVER HER!!!!  ....... [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=259789&pid=5994069][img]/club/p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] LOL, should I take that as a hint? More capable and driven than you.  Well that's [b]some[/b] compliment coming from you. 非常期待.  Book a time, I am in.
签不签要看协议内容 协议书我想主要是怕对方出轨(人财两失)[s:198]
比如說如果我跟他離婚, 我是不能分到對方的錢, 除非離婚既原因是對方有外遇 / 出軌? 我聽過有這樣的agreement, 女方找到男方出軌的證據, 結果女方提出離婚, 男方要分一半身家給女方~ [s:201]
[quote]引用第26楼紫芯于2010-09-10 21:16发表的 : 我聽過有這樣的agreement, 女方找到男方出軌的證據, 結果女方提出離婚, 男方要分一半身家給女方~ [s:201] [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=259789&pid=5995156][img]/club/p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] And this is something you'd be thrilled about??? How about the fact that your guy just derailed on you, proving that A) you are not attractive enough and B) you are disaster and C) a little bit of both? So what if you've got half of his assets?  Is this what you've married him for in the first place? LOL, your comment is retarted.
[quote]引用第19楼mykomyko于2010-09-10 13:20发表的 : LOLLLLL, i was thinking more of fucking ex boss or ex yoga-instructor...but ex DENTIST~!?!? XD ....... [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=259789&pid=5994157][img]/club/p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] what u got something against dentist?! r u the legendary anti-denti?! u should know that the dentists got their special schools, and share the largest suicide community u gotta give them some incentive to live and im sry that i cant make it to ur party last time i was gonna go but the liquor store was closed on sunday i do not wanna come empty handed perhaps next time, i had my eye on a beautiful shirry from spain, u will like it
[quote]引用第27楼fairladyz于2010-09-10 21:37发表的  : And this is something you'd be thrilled about??? ....... [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=259789&pid=5995208][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] 我想你誤會了, 你到底明不明白這agreement 就是女方希望能用錢來約束男方, 如果男的出軌就要把財產分給老婆~ 如果男方當初選擇簽這agreement, 男方最後還要 prove 什麼, 還可以爭論什麼?~   我說的是真事, 你不愛看的可以不看, 謝謝
[quote]引用第28楼倚梦公子于2010-09-10 21:48发表的  : what u got something against dentist?! ....... [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=259789&pid=5995229][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] everyone came empty handed XDDDD
[quote]引用第29楼紫芯于2010-09-10 22:09发表的 : 我想你誤會了, 你到底明不明白這agreement 就是女方希望能用錢來約束男方, 如果男的出軌就要把財產分給老婆~ 如果男方當初選擇簽這agreement, 男方最後還要 prove 什麼, 還可以爭論什麼?~   我說的是真事, 你不愛看的可以不看, 謝謝 [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=259789&pid=5995290][img]/club/p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] Says who that this agreement is ONE way only???   Don't question me 明不明白 when you are the one that needs to READ. If the guy signs the agreement, then yeah he's an idiot for derailing while being aware of the consequences. If the woman proposes to have the guy sign this agreement, then 1) she doesn't trust him fully and 2) she isn't confident about herself, neither of which is any good. And so what if she gets half of his money?  LOL, just another gold digger, something aplenty in a messed up town like Vancouver.  What is she gonna do, post a thread online and brag about her latest little accomplishment?  LOL, now do see why your story & 2 cents are retarted, genius?
[quote]引用第31楼fairladyz于2010-09-10 22:37发表的  : And so what if she gets half of his money?  LOL, just another gold digger, something aplenty in a messed up town like Vancouver.  What is she gonna do, post a thread online and brag about her latest little accomplishment?  LOL, now do see why your story & 2 cents are retarted, genius? ....... [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=259789&pid=5995404][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] 如果女人把錢 donate 了, 那怎樣? 那女人又算不算是 gold digger? 還有, 我覺得你有點看不起女人, 現在很多女人都能夠 financially support 自己的, 即使被老公拋棄了也不至於流浪街頭 請勿把你主觀性的看法附於別人身上, 你 assume 的不等於就是別人的情況, 我跟我老公還很好, 感謝你的關心
She looking like Michael wit yo MONEY~!!!
[quote]引用第32楼紫芯于2010-09-10 22:49发表的 : 如果女人把錢 donate 了, 那怎樣? 那女人又算不算是 gold digger? 還有, 我覺得你有點看不起女人, 現在很多女人都能夠 financially support 自己的, 即使被老公拋棄了也不至於流浪街頭 請勿把你主觀性的看法附於別人身上, 你 assume 的不等於就是別人的情況, 我跟我老公還很好, 感謝你的關心 ....... [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=259789&pid=5995426][img]/club/p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] #1 For your information, I do not descriminate against women--------if you are so intrigued to verify, speak to OP. #2 You really shouldn't assume I 关心 about you and your husband as frankly, I could care less.  Since when did your man become this part of conversation in the first place??? Not sure which entertains me more, your lack of logical thinking or vivid imagination skills.
OhOH~!!! She gives me MONEY....when I"M in NEEEEED....
噢, 那真不好意思了, 我應該說: 感謝你的 " 關心" , 少了個 那個 "  ",   讓你那個"聰明的"以為我真的說你很關心我的狀況呢 1. " So what if you've got half of his assets?  Is this what you've married him for in the first place?" 告訴你這是別人的故事, 不是我了, 請勿用 " you " 來 assume這事件 2. 你不是說 " What is she gonna do, post a thread online and brag about her latest little accomplishment" 這句的  her / she 又是說誰? 不是 assume 我吧?! [s:199] well, 我不知我朋友有沒有這樣做, 這個不能答你 3. " And so what if she gets half of his money?  LOL, just another gold digger," 你沒有看不起女人, 那我問你, 你認為所以女人跟有錢的男人一起都是 gold digger 嗎 ??
I ain't got no red american express......
If you deeply love him, you will draw out all your $$$ when he show you a 'puppy's look' [s:184] .  You will never bear to see your love one 'suffer' when he's in need, nor you will not want to disappointed him if he really want that  'watch' .[s:193].LOL.. I guess for a man, he will give all just to make his wife happy. As a women/wife, she will like to 'take control' to feel secure or so. [s:205]
[quote]引用第36楼紫芯于2010-09-10 23:19发表的 : 噢, 那真不好意思了, 我應該說: 感謝你的 " 關心" , 少了個 那個 "  ",   讓你那個"聰明的"以為我真的說你很關心我的狀況呢 1. " So what if you've got half of his assets?  Is this what you've married him for in the first place?" 告訴你這是別人的故事, 不是我了, 請勿用 " you " 來 assume這事件 ....... [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=259789&pid=5995525][img]/club/p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] I see where the confusion is now. You really shouldn't take the word "you" literally.  By no means did I suggest [b]your[/b] were the subject in question. Reason I responded to your post, was because you made it sound like it was a FORTUNATE event when [b]she[/b] made him sign the paper, divorced him, and won a big hefty jackpot when she divorced him. To which I disagree, because frankly, I think it's an UNFORUTNATE event that she encountered this experience.  Ideally, the guy would never have derailed, and she'd never have to divorce him.  No she wouldn't get 50% of his money either, but isn't a good marriage worth more than a pile of greens? And last but not the least, I've seen and heard enough gold diggers around town, and if you've paid attention, you TOO would've witnessed a large number.  I did not, and will not imply that all gold diggers are women, because YES, many of them are male.  Which is even more sad, if you think about it.
[quote]引用第33楼mykomyko于2010-09-10 22:58发表的 : She looking like Michael wit yo MONEY~!!! [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=259789&pid=5995446][img]/club/p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] you just really like that song don't you!!
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