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[quote]引用第20楼浪漫purple于2010-09-12 23:45发表的  : 嗯,当你痛的时候,你就让它痛个够,..............当你想念的时候,你想念够了之后自己就开始厌烦,就会开始专注别的事情了 [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=260024&pid=6000660][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] I totally screwed up my english grammar...plz ignore...just dun feel like correcting it..
[quote]引用第21楼液宫、⒗浅于2010-09-12 23:48发表的  : I totally screwed up my english grammar...plz ignore...just dun feel like correcting it.. [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=260024&pid=6000665][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] 语言只是一种表达方式,只要信息有传送到就好了.......
[quote]引用第16楼液宫、⒗浅于2010-09-12 22:45发表的 : everyone has their own story. if u cant forget, just let it hurt. if u cant stop thinking, just let it keeps coming back. there will be one day, u can talk it like an old memory, u smile and u dont regret. u avoid it, it will hurt in the future sometime. face it, let it hurt, get it over. Tomorrow is another day. thats my favorite. and thats what I do to move on. ....... [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=260024&pid=6000543][img]/club/p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] I never thought it'd take me [b]this [/b]long to let go.  But I guess what we had back then was [b]just[/b] that special. 其实往前看看,既然知道不可能在一起,就应该不再迟疑。 可是往后看看,又觉得那些时候那些事,实在可以写成小说。 The ability to Write, is a blessing but a curse at the same time.
[quote]引用第17楼oliliufu于2010-09-12 22:50发表的 : such a paradox if deep down u dunt wanna let go, then u will always use the past as an excuse to refuse moving on. and if u refuse to open ur heart and eyes, u will never find a better one and that will keep you thinking "i can never find a better one"..... then u miss ur past more and more............. iz a dead cycle............ ....... [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=260024&pid=6000557][img]/club/p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] #1 I am not dead and #2 I don't look like a circle so thank you very much, but I unfortunately cannot wear the title you've crowned me. LOL, just kidding. In case you haven't noticed, the point of this thread is to indicate that now I [b]am[/b] willing to open myself and embrace new people.
[quote]引用第19楼happyrhy于2010-09-12 23:27发表的 : 每一次伤痛都是一次成长 [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=260024&pid=6000629][img]/club/p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] Indeed.  Just don't have too many of this, and you'll be fine.
鲁迅 人睡到不知道时候的时候,就会有影来告别,说出那些话——       有我所不乐意的在天堂里,我不愿去;有我所不乐意的在地狱里,我不愿去;有我所不乐意的在你们将来的黄金世界里,我不愿去。       然而你就是我所不乐意的。       朋友,我不想跟随你了,我不愿住。       我不愿意!       呜乎呜乎,我不愿意,我不如彷徨于无地。       我不过一个影,要别你而沉没在黑暗里了。然而黑暗又会吞并我,然而光明又会使我消失。       然而我不愿彷徨于明暗之间,我不如在黑暗里沉没。       然而我终于彷徨于明暗之间,我不知道是黄昏还是黎明。我姑且举灰黑的手装作喝干一杯酒,我将在不知道时候的时候独自远行。       呜乎呜乎,倘若黄昏,黑夜自然会来沉没我,否则我要被白天消失,如果现是黎明。       朋友,时候近了。       我将向黑暗里彷徨于无地。       你还想我的赠品。我能献你甚么呢?无已,则仍是黑暗和虚空而已。但是,我愿意只是黑暗,或者会消失于你的白天;我愿意只是虚空,决不占你的心地。       我愿意这样,朋友——我独自远行,不但没有你,并且再没有别的影在黑暗里。只有我被黑暗沉没,那世界全属于我自己。 一九二四年九月二十四日。
wwoot!! woot! welcome to the people with good job, decent income, above average looking, drive a rwd sports car without severe mental issues' team. lmao...
[quote]引用第27楼bunnyface于2010-09-13 07:47发表的 : wwoot!! woot! welcome to the people with good job, decent income, above average looking, drive a rwd sports car without severe mental issues' team. lmao... [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=260024&pid=6001031][img]/club/p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] ROFL.  So who eles is in this team, besides the us 2?
[quote]引用第28楼mykomyko于2010-09-13 08:02发表的 : MoNdAy PMS? [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=260024&pid=6001050][img]/club/p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] Funny you asked.  I've noticed that in the night before Work starts, I'd always toss and turn and not being able to fall asleep. Man.  Work can be Consuming, at times.
[quote]引用第26楼浪漫purple于2010-09-13 07:19发表的 : 鲁迅 人睡到不知道时候的时候,就会有影来告别,说出那些话——       有我所不乐意的在天堂里,我不愿去;有我所不乐意的在地狱里,我不愿去;有我所不乐意的在你们将来的黄金世界里,我不愿去。     ....... [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=260024&pid=6001009][img]/club/p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] Honestly, I was not expecting this from you. How is that you and our common friend are of the same age, yet I don't see him quoting stuff from 鲁迅 XD
[quote]引用第29楼fairladyz于2010-09-13 08:05发表的  : ROFL.  So who eles is in this team, besides the us 2? ....... [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=260024&pid=6001053][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] how many ppl's in the club doesn't matter, as long as there's 2, then it qualifies us to call it a club.  others will come once we make it look prestige enough. XD
Join my PEN club you can be #15 ^^
[quote]引用第34楼chetrs于2010-09-13 08:16发表的  : 寂寞冷需要爱[s:200] [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=260024&pid=6001075][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] stop simplify our feelings

回 35楼(hackmeoyes) 的帖子

Now once DIII comes out-------whenever that's going to be, I won't have the time to blog about stuff like this XD I sincerely hope they insert a Amazon class into the lineup, she was my favourite character to use in DII.  Range attack FTW.
[quote]引用第31楼fairladyz于2010-09-13 08:08发表的  : Honestly, I was not expecting this from you. ....... [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=260024&pid=6001063][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] [s:204] I read this article 2 years ago................ I LOVE to read philosophy type book in CHINESE 论语  孔子 庄子 and a lot I like to read and write  intensive things on the blog which none of my friend has ever seen it When i was 19 to 20, I had a very very tough time so i write about my feelings Then, sometimes, if i get emotional, i will read the things that i've written before it will reminds me how much i've gone through, so the pain im suffering right now ain't a big deal Also  that our common friend refuse to be grown up like us he admits it too. I made him read some book to help him to get more mature. For example, kite runner, a thousand splendid sun, human's weakness

回 36楼(fairladyz) 的帖子

sadly we are not kids anymore time for DIII is short i think there will be range class, but not Amazon[s:182]

Re:回 36楼(fairladyz) 的帖子

[quote]引用第39楼hackmeoyes于2010-09-13 09:38发表的 回 36楼(fairladyz) 的帖子 : sadly we are not kids anymore time for DIII is short i think there will be range class, but not Amazon[s:182] [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=260024&pid=6001190][img]/club/p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] This thread is now officially heading South. I hope Blizzard doesn't decide to eliminate the blonde and voluptuous class as quite frankly, the now-announced 4 classes don't excatly bear any arrousing appeal.
[quote]引用第38楼浪漫purple于2010-09-13 09:36发表的 : [s:204] I read this article 2 years ago................ ....... [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=260024&pid=6001186][img]/club/p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] I've heard theories before, suggesting that women are usually 4 years ahead in terms of maturity compared to men in similar demographic.  Recent experiences and discoveries are leading me in believing that there is indeed some truth in this statement.
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