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那个~~~我要参加25号的夜游~~~怎么报名??? [s:199] pm和怕高的甜食是啥子???没看懂~~~
女的pm 怕高的甜食, 男的pm 老黄(tzhr)
今晚有别的事~可能会早点走~!不好意思了~~ [s:204]
Great meet guys [s:200] I think we've had more people than ever this time.  It's good to put the IDs to the faces so we know who we are talking to. Cars looked wonderful.  Can't wait to see some photos.  Big thanks to Jordan and Jack for once again pitching in their photography skills. What puzzles me is while so many of you are hoping to meet some ladies, when a single (?) girl DID show up, nobody wanted to go pick her up?   That's too bad, because she seemed to have a great personality!
^.... WHAT?! U told me that you would not go to the meet today......but...U...U....U....... [s:183] 所以我是被排擠了麽...T,T
[quote]引用第276楼kristii于2009-09-13 23:40发表的 : ^.... WHAT?! U told me that you would not go to the meet today......but...U...U....U....... .......[/quote] LOL, I had to come to work around 6:00PM, and I was done by 7:45PM, so I figured I could drop by across the street to see what's going on. I thought the reason you guys couldn't come was because Ray's car was at service?
[quote]引用第277楼fairladyz于2009-09-13 23:42发表的 : LOL, I had to come to work around 6:00PM, and I was done by 7:45PM, so I figured I could drop by across the street to see what's going on. .......[/quote] 一個大黑鯊倒下了...還有千千萬萬個小白鯊~!!!... Actually..only one.... but...ya.....still.....>"<|||.....I feel like 被排擠... LOL....j/k j/k Ray has team meeting tonight and I have  2 assignments due on monday......=]...
[quote]引用第278楼kristii于2009-09-13 23:46发表的  : 一個大黑鯊倒下了...還有千千萬萬個小白鯊~!!!... .......[/quote] Yeah, I wasn't going to attend either, until I had to come to work, so I thought now I am here, I might as well. No worries  [s:200]  we'll meet up soon enough.  We are holding a meet in Oct, JUST for white cars.  You will be demanded to show up at that one, haha.
whos back first? guess...its fairladyz!  [s:202]
it'sme [s:200]
[quote]引用第280楼kroy546于2009-09-14 00:30发表的  : whos back first? guess...its fairladyz!  [s:202][/quote] did ya go for bbt ?
[quote]引用第282楼william41cn于2009-09-14 00:36发表的  : did ya go for bbt ?[/quote] ya i did..u shouldve came man...[s:204]
[quote]引用第283楼kroy546于2009-09-14 00:37发表的  : ya i did..u shouldve came man...[s:204][/quote] how come other people not come back except you?
[quote]引用第275楼fairladyz于2009-09-13 22:43发表的 : Great meet guys [s:200] I think we've had more people than ever this time.  It's good to put the IDs to the faces so we know who we are talking to. Cars looked wonderful.  Can't wait to see some photos.  Big thanks to Jordan and Jack for once again pitching in their photography skills. .......[/quote] AND Thanks to Willian as well, the 3rd photo guy~ [s:200]
[color=#ff0000][size=5]Thank you every1 for showing up, great seeing you all~[/size][/color] [color=#ff0000][size=5][/size][/color] [s:247] 
[quote]引用第285楼tzhr于2009-09-14 00:54发表的  : AND Thanks to Willian as well, the 3rd photo guy~ [s:200][/quote] and thx me [s:200]
[quote]引用第287楼ca7n于2009-09-14 01:04发表的  : and thx me [s:200][/quote] ?
今天看到了很多帅哥根美女,靓车更是不少,爽!!! [s:242]
楼上的困了就睡觉 [s:204]
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