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加入AUTO CLUB 的要求及方式~ 

[quote]引用第412楼fairladyz于2009-09-24 12:05发表的  : LOL, you must be the BF.  Allow me to shake hands through electrons and say Hi!   [/quote] 好吧~~~很遗憾的告诉~不是~哇哈哈~~[img]http://rs.phpwind.net/E___4239ZHYXPWFG.gif[/img]
[quote]引用第413楼zombie于2009-09-24 12:16发表的  : 还能报名不?....[/quote] 你明天就回来?
[size=4][color=#0000FF] 已報名參加AUTOCLUB 周五活動的男生請注意~~ 現在已經是夜深了。。。 黃藥師不便打擾大家。。。 他老人家[s:196] 會在周五12點--3點這段時間電話大家, 確認時間跟人數~ 以上 大家好夢哦~~  [s:193][/color][/size] [s:201][s:201][s:201]
[s:179] 无处不在
wow.. i am speechless... 好吧。。
[quote]引用第420楼花生牛油于2009-09-25 07:41发表的 : and serveral years later...they become 鑽石王老五...=] well Shu first of all, I have to say thumbs up for the hard-work and it will DEFINITELY pay off...and yes..just look to where Kristii is pointing, the bright future [s:200] .......[/quote] Hey man, hardwork ALWAYS pays off, it's not a question of if, just a question of when.  Business was slow in Aug, but now it's picking up again in Sept.  My mood is in a direct relationship with Sales, haha! These days one of the most relaxing / exhilarating thing is a weekend evening cruise.  Let down the windows hear VQ's signature exhaust notes running down empty city streets.  It's quite an experience. I have to say, Z33 is like a Beacon among all pitch darkness.  I know this sounds obsessive almost to a degree of needing medical attention, but understand that it comes from a VQ enthusiast, LOL.
ooo.. i did the same thing off knight bridge la... 2nd gear 7500 rpm.. 3rd gear 7500 rpm... 4th gear 7500 rpm... going into the big swoopy turn now... 4th geat 7500 rpm 5th gear 5500 rpm... just hearin the engine roar thru the nite @ 2:30am RAOR... the experience is life changing
[quote]引用第422楼darkscythe于2009-09-25 08:42发表的 : ooo.. i did the same thing off knight bridge la... 2nd gear 7500 rpm.. 3rd gear 7500 rpm... 4th gear 7500 rpm... .......[/quote] LOL, such feeling is understood only by those who hold a genuine passion for cars.
见面时,如有人感到不适应,可自行离开... ends up everyone feels uncomfortable and leaves earlier...
well...i didnt sign up but if i have time i'll still take a look...doesnt cost me anything (except a bit of gas)...coz i live in east van...
i live in rmd
[s:205] 现在活动什么情况..有没有现场直播? 14男12女..有点那个啊..
errr,错过9月25了,想参加10月的活动,我是男生,有杭州来的mm吗,呵呵,老乡好聊天啊 [s:200]
Looks like a major success.  Kudos to Tony for organizing this. Man, I've never driven to Cypress at night before, that's like the best road in the lower mainland.  LOL i had the urge to go downhill drifting, haha!
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