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回 5楼(supernice) 的帖子

[quote]引用第21楼mykomyko于2010-10-19 08:53发表的 : LZ 的 post.....一定要 support 一下 [s:201]   [s:207] BTW...如果我不想泡妞, 也是可以去嗎? [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=263226&pid=6086503][img]/club/p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] 我從來也沒有說是泡妞的,由一開始己是Halloween Party。 這里的人都曲解了。男女均等才好玩。每次女生太多,令陰氣太重。Halloween 容易見鬼的。 你一定要來啦,少了你一个,不得了。
[quote]引用第23楼supernice于2010-10-19 12:00发表的  : 我從來也沒有說是泡妞的,由一開始己是Halloween Party。 這里的人都曲解了。男女均等才好玩。每次女生太多,令陰氣太重。Halloween 容易見鬼的。 ....... [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=263226&pid=6086818][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] Omg.......哪我不就不能扮女人去了 ~!?!? 
[quote]引用第24楼mykomyko于2010-10-19 12:22发表的 : Omg.......哪我不就不能扮女人去了 ~!?!?  [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=263226&pid=6086851][img]/club/p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] 你扮鳳姐吧,Approved!
i am just sayin ~~ this is kindda interest of conflict ~ coz is your friends restaurant ~~ and u have a drinkin party there and charge ppl so i don't know what's da deal ? this way ~ ppl will wondering if this is a promoter's party ~ and besides ~~ to me ~ just my opinion, if i got 20 lady friends ~~ and less guy friends ~~   if i just invite one of guy friend ~ I believe words will go out so fast ~ all your friend's friend will join ~~ there is no way a drinkin party got less guys ~~ sure these are justl my thought ~ maybe is really a wonderful party ~~ anyways ~~ have fun ! PS ~ freedom of  speech ~ PEACE !
[quote]引用第26楼blackdove于2010-10-19 23:50发表的 : i am just sayin ~~ this is kindda interest of conflict ~ coz is your friends restaurant ~~ and u have a drinkin party there and charge ppl so i don't know what's da deal ? this way ~ ppl will wondering if this is a promoter's party ~ and besides ~~ to me ~ just my opinion, if i got 20 lady friends ~~ and less guy friends ~~   if i just invite one of guy friend ~ I believe words will go out so fast ~ all your friend's friend will join ~~ there is no way a drinkin party got less guys ~~ sure these are justl my thought ~ maybe is really a wonderful party ~~ anyways ~~ have fun ! PS ~ freedom of  speech ~ PEACE [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=263226&pid=6088844][img]/club/p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] There is no coflict of interest, I bring up a party. Simple as that. It's Halloween. Just have fun. I assume you are a guy, and your friend's friend are all guys. My girl's friend's friend's are all gals, it does make some sense right? Thanks for your input. Peace!
BTW ~~ remember to serve food 4 alcohol ~~ coz restaurant liquor license in richmond ~ require ordering food while drinking ~ and no high volume alcohol straight up ~ And if da license is valid to serve alcohol until 1am ~ have to be 100% sure no more alcohol on da table by da time ~~  these are all enforced by law ~~ play hard ~ play safe ~ no drinkin and driving ~~ crazy road blocks these days !! cheers
[quote]引用第28楼blackdove于2010-10-20 00:30发表的 : BTW ~~ remember to serve food 4 alcohol ~~ coz restaurant liquor license in richmond ~ require ordering food while drinking ~ and no high volume alcohol straight up ~ And if da license is valid to serve alcohol until 1am ~ have to be 100% sure no more alcohol on da table by da time ~~  these are all enforced by law ~~ ....... [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=263226&pid=6089117][img]/club/p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] Sure thing, are you coming bro? Add my msn [email=supernice1980@hotmail.com]supernice1980@hotmail.com[/email]
I think I will pass ~~ thx 4 asking ~ more interestin about my friend's hotel party ~

回 26楼(blackdove) 的帖子

Do you still believe in Santa Clause?

回 31楼(mykomyko) 的帖子

I don't ~ even when I was a kid ~ sad but true ~~ so do u believe ??   waz your point ?  I don't get it ~~ plz explain Are u comparing  Santa to Supernice's party ?
参加这个Party, 怎么还要一定先加入他们的什么meeting club,有种被骗的感觉,想必其他人也要求加入,
[quote]引用第35楼1king于2010-10-20 22:33发表的 : 参加这个Party, 怎么还要一定先加入他们的什么meeting club,有种被骗的感觉,想必其他人也要求加入, [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=263226&pid=6092307][img]/club/p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] really !?  U called n he or she tells u dat ? what kindda meeting ? did they explain ? Not MLM ba? multilevel marketing
[quote]引用第35楼1king于2010-10-20 22:33发表的 : 参加这个Party, 怎么还要一定先加入他们的什么meeting club,有种被骗的感觉,想必其他人也要求加入, [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=263226&pid=6092307][img]/club/p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] [size=4][color=#ff0066][size=7]你被骗了錢? 還是貞操? [/size][/color] 連meetup, facebook 也不会用,老兄你也太土了吧。 相信你是英文水平太差,才会誤解什么meeting club。 [backcolor=#ff0000]参加的人這麼多,每个也打电話Confirm來不來有多困難。你知道嗎? 每个人也入了一个mailing list,我也不用打电話Confirm。以后有活動,一个email 就可以。[/backcolor] 你們這些大哥,又要平,又要多美女,又要我每个也打电話Confirm來不來。 還跟我說:"我有空就來,不用等我。" [color=#ff0066]媽的,一点参加的誠意也沒有。 我每次辨活動,出心,出力,出女,還要三求四請打电話Confirm 人數。 你們什麼也不用做,又遲到,又失約,又不回电話,還抱怨我,要我像你秘書一樣服務你。 [/color] 我真有种被骗的感觉。你什麼也沒損失。 反而我損失了時間、心力,還要受你氣。 [/size][color=#ff0000][size=7]媽的,這算什麼道理?[/size][/color]
I am sorry ~~ can't help it ~~ this is getting so interesting dat I have to know da result ~~ supernice is getting to a limit ~ and ppl still question this party ~ good for ya ~ supernice ~ show your emotion !! [s:180]
[quote]引用第35楼1king于2010-10-20 22:33发表的  : 参加这个Party, 怎么还要一定先加入他们的什么meeting club,有种被骗的感觉,想必其他人也要求加入, [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=263226&pid=6092307][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] [s:234][s:234][s:234][s:234][s:234][s:234][s:234][s:234][s:234]

Re:回 26楼(blackdove) 的帖子

[quote]引用第31楼mykomyko于2010-10-20 08:37发表的 回 26楼(blackdove) 的帖子 : Do you still believe in Santa Clause? [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=263226&pid=6090417][img]/club/p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] To :mykomyko do ya like to explain this a little bit ? 
lol i have no idea why im still sitting in wait list for this party
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