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加入AUTO CLUB 的要求及方式~ 

[quote]引用第372楼kristii于2009-09-20 21:58发表的  : Nah....I think he got a new gf recently....secretly........ 他每次交女朋友都玩神秘...東收收西藏藏..... Yo~240...你就收着你女朋友啊....不要告訴我嘛~~!!!!!!也叫Ray不要告訴我嘛~!!!    收好點啊~!!千萬不要讓我知道~!!!~~~~~~~ .......[/quote] That's what I thought!  Kid thinks he's keeping a big secret, when it's publick knowledge for everyone else, haha! Yo 240, you better not let K find out-------though you are very unlikely to succeed on covering the truth since K always knows about everything anyway, LOL.
... i didnt pick up a recent GF, and no i am not tryin to keep it a secret, if i did, i did xD =.= .. on the white G35 part.. i am workin on it... LOL... Shu... we need to talk like.. ya...
[quote]引用第375楼darkscythe于2009-09-21 12:10发表的 : ... i didnt pick up a recent GF, and no i am not tryin to keep it a secret, if i did, i did xD =.= .. on the white G35 part.. i am workin on it... LOL... .......[/quote] Well let's meet up in the weekend over BBT. By the way, remember that girl from the BBT place?  Turned out she was seeing somebody else. Man.  People like us are neck deep @ Work these days, when and how are we supposed to meet new people???
simple.. you make time out of work.. work is work... =.= and no matter what how much you have accomplised.. it will still be work
[quote]引用第377楼darkscythe于2009-09-21 14:55发表的 : simple.. you make time out of work.. work is work... =.= and no matter what how much you have accomplised.. it will still be work[/quote] Well let's see, I arrive @ Work @ 7:30AM and leave work @ 6:30, 7:30, 8:30, 9:30.............all the way till midnight. Who and How am I gonna meet anyone? And quite frankly I don't think I am the only one suffering from this situation--------most single people that work hard tend to stay single for a long time because ugh........Time, is just not on their favour.
[quote]引用第378楼fairladyz于2009-09-21 15:53发表的 : most single people that work hard tend to stay single for a long time because ugh .......[/quote] and serveral years later...they become 鑽石王老五...=]
[quote]引用第379楼kristii于2009-09-21 17:25发表的 : and serveral years later...they become 鑽石王老五...=][/quote] Well if I ever do become anything closer to a 钻石王老五, you my friend will most certainly be here to witness such a wonder  [s:200]
女11  男13
autoclub 组不组织卡丁车  或者偶尔下个场什么地 [s:199]
老大去么 到时候如果没人跟我走 我就跟你走了 [s:201]
o  ...fairlady.. if you do become a BALLER old hag.. do i get to sit in ur ZR1?
[quote]引用第389楼darkscythe于2009-09-22 11:32发表的 : o  ...fairlady.. if you do become a BALLER old hag.. do i get to sit in ur ZR1?[/quote] LOL, let's work hard and make some money first, then we'll talk. And No, that old hag saying of yours is not going to make its ass into my (?) ZR1.
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