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[quote]引用第19楼girl于2010-04-16 21:54发表的  : .....你要这么说,我也没办法~我只是在帮你完善[/quote] 别介意我的语气。我说话就这样的
[quote]引用第20楼jobads于2010-04-16 21:58发表的  : 如果大家都不敢的话。。。楼主还是自己征服自己吧。。。这可是书上说的。。。最重要的是。。。自己征服自己嘛[/quote] 我要是还没征服自己,就不回来发这个帖了..... 这需要多大的勇气!
[s:179]  [s:179]  [s:179]  [s:179]
跆拳道黑帶girl.... hot!!!!!
[quote]引用第25楼vi2于2010-04-16 22:43发表的  : 别介意我的语气。我说话就这样的[/quote] 正好~我也这语气~
[quote]引用第28楼ken_nek于2010-04-16 23:16发表的  : 跆拳道黑帶girl.... hot!!!!![/quote] ?
[quote]引用第28楼ken_nek于2010-04-16 23:16发表的  : 跆拳道黑帶girl.... hot!!!!![/quote] 现在残废了..
小丫頭 再想什麼呢? 這麼著急幹嘛呢 慢慢碰唄
征服?英文叫什么? [s:199]  [s:199]
conqure ?
[quote]引用第16楼cokolusu于2010-04-16 21:39发表的  : 我能征服你的肉体[/quote] 牛13的人有之!!!!
[quote]引用第32楼crkyeh于2010-04-17 00:01发表的  : 小丫頭 再想什麼呢? 這麼著急幹嘛呢 .......[/quote] 碰碰车吗?
[s:201]  [s:201] 好久沒玩了 ... 還真有點想去玩玩...
[s:204]  [s:204]  [s:204] 征服贵千金,除了年龄,应该还有其他条件吧? [s:200]


[s:204][s:205][s:205]maybe u shoud change your topic caz it make it sound like u are looking for some one to pay u for sex or some thing. i know u don;t mean it but sound like it.  there is a problem with  your picture too. u took it in bed room and u show prat of your XXX.  is not a goo way to find  a good man. i am just saying that for your own good . think about it


[quote]引用第39楼someone530于2010-04-17 01:22发表的 别介意我的语气。我说话就这样的 : [s:204][s:205][s:205]maybe u shoud change your topic caz it make it sound like u are looking for some one to pay u for sex or some thing. i know u don;t mean it but sound like it.  there is a problem with  your picture too. u took it in bed room and u show prat of your XXX.  is not a goo way to find  a good man. i am just saying that for your own good . think about it[/quote] 又被误会了,不过感谢好心提示
而且... LZ.... 為什麼會, “喜欢的就ps我。” lol PM?? hehehhe
[quote]引用第42楼ken_nek于2010-04-17 16:01发表的  : 而且... LZ.... 為什麼會, “喜欢的就ps我。” lol PM?? hehehhe[/quote] haha i made a mistake><
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