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[s:179] 172的女生一穿高跟鞋就飞起来啦
[s:199]  [s:201]  [s:200]
[quote]引用第80楼倚梦公子于2010-03-08 00:21发表的 : a 9 pounder for 3 is a cake walk, man my friends and i, 3 ppl once finished an 11 and  one large order of congee 3 years ago .......[/quote] Hmmmm.  See I was working till like 2AM on the night before, and almost fell asleep on the dinner table before the crab came up, maybe that's why I couldn't eat a lot? 是一蟹三吃: - 蒜蓉清蒸 - 椒盐油炸 - 蟹壳焗饭
[email]stupid_does@msn.com[/email]交個朋友吧 181 同樣減肥中哈哈
[quote]引用第83楼fairladyz于2010-03-08 20:14发表的  : 172的女生,至少身材应该很好。我妹才170,腿已经长的不行了。[/quote] [s:205][s:205][s:205]被你说的自卑了~~~~~~我身材很差,噢厚厚~[s:201]
[quote]引用第52楼迷失人间于2010-03-07 19:00发表的  : 老婆,我对你们还是绝对的痴心,不会变得![/quote] 加油加油啊,偶绝对支持老公的[s:201] 老公最帅最酷了[s:200]
[quote]引用第87楼special520于2010-03-08 21:55发表的  : 加油加油啊,偶绝对支持老公的[s:201] 老公最帅最酷了[s:200][/quote] 老婆好乖~~~~~~~~~~来,给我亲亲+麽麽
[quote]引用第88楼xyh1020于2010-03-08 23:29发表的  : ...貌似lz找到了?[/quote] 啊?谁说的?我找到谁了? 啊,对啊对啊,我找了四个老婆,娃哈哈哈哈,羡慕我吧[s:201][s:201][s:201]?
你好, 有电话
LZ sounds very honest ..... wish u all the best 支持
[quote]引用第91楼steven-zhu于2010-03-09 11:01发表的  : 你好, 有电话[/quote] 有啊,你要借电话用?可以,给你,喏
[quote]引用第93楼流氓领导于2010-03-09 11:07发表的  : LZ sounds very honest ..... wish u all the best 支持[/quote] 谢谢~~~~~~好人一枚~
[quote]引用第95楼迷失人间于2010-03-09 11:15发表的  : 谢谢~~~~~~好人一枚~[/quote] in the net may be .... but not in the real life
[quote]引用第96楼流氓领导于2010-03-09 11:17发表的  : in the net may be .... but not in the real life[/quote] 没所谓了~这里好就行了,哈哈哈
ok ... but if u think this way, how can u find a good boyfriend? it might be too late after u know the truth
[quote]引用第98楼流氓领导于2010-03-09 11:22发表的  : ok ... but if u think this way, how can u find a good boyfriend? it might be too late after u know the truth[/quote] 可能只有0.000000000000000000001%的几率吧~但是总是有的啊
[quote]引用第99楼迷失人间于2010-03-09 11:35发表的  : 可能只有0.000000000000000000001%的几率吧~但是总是有的啊[/quote] hmm ... so u mean u really believe internet
[quote]引用第100楼流氓领导于2010-03-09 11:48发表的  : hmm ... so u mean u really believe internet[/quote] 不强求,也不奢望~
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