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Screw consoles, PC owns ALL  [s:200] we PC gamers can play anything we want, be it legit or pirated...lolz and we don't need to mod our machines to play pirated games. woot! Having said that, I do have a PS3 60GB (The original with built in hardware PS2 legacy support) which I never get to use and is still sitting in it's box. I might just sell it one day, or use it as a BD player....
[quote]引用第475楼cba-r35于2009-09-27 20:57发表的 : Screw consoles, PC owns ALL  [s:200] we PC gamers can play anything we want, be it legit or pirated...lolz and we don't need to mod our machines to play pirated games. woot! .......[/quote] The good old days of Diablo II.  The amount of hours I spent behind the wheel is only eclipsed by the amount of hours I spent on DII, LOL. Can't wait till Blizzard actually releases DIII.  ME WANT.  NOW.
[quote]引用第476楼fairladyz于2009-09-27 21:34发表的  : The good old days of Diablo II.  The amount of hours I spent behind the wheel is only eclipsed by the amount of hours I spent on DII, LOL. .......[/quote] Diablo II..........en, very classic.................
[quote]引用第472楼fairladyz于2009-09-27 17:47发表的  : LOL, don't feel too bad, I tend to off-topic 50% of the threads here.[/quote] 晚上黄药师打电话的时候我还有道过歉....吼吼
我要把司馬牛同學噴白么 [s:199]  [s:199]
[quote]引用第477楼blxue于2009-09-27 23:59发表的  : Diablo II..........en, very classic.................[/quote] I think besides my EX, you are the only girl (?) I know that plays DII. I used to have a Lv 97 Amazon on Bnet.  Then I got busy working and didn't play her for like 3 months.  Upon returning to Bnet, my character was removed [s:211]
dude.... White Collection........   I wish I still had my old car, which happened to be white......
[quote]引用第481楼浪漫purple于2009-09-28 08:03发表的 : 我家的车是灰色的,该洗le[/quote] LOL, yes, when a white car turns gray, it's time for a wash.
[quote]引用第482楼metrotown于2009-09-28 08:58发表的 : dude.... White Collection........   I wish I still had my old car, which happened to be white......[/quote] You are stll more than welcome to swing by as a Guest man.  What's the colour of your new ride?
[quote]引用第481楼浪漫purple于2009-09-28 08:03发表的  : 我家的车是灰色的,该洗le[/quote] 很强大。。。[s:179]
[quote]引用第485楼xx622于2009-09-28 10:38发表的 : 很强大。。。[s:179] [/quote] Dude, are you coming to The White Collection?
[quote]引用第486楼fairladyz于2009-09-28 10:44发表的  : Dude, are you coming to The White Collection?[/quote] Oh,[s:205] I'M BLACK ......
[quote]引用第487楼xx622于2009-09-28 10:47发表的  : Oh,[s:205] I'M BLACK ......[/quote] Check this: [url]/club/read.php?tid=220163[/url]
[quote]引用第484楼fairladyz于2009-09-28 10:35发表的  : You are stll more than welcome to swing by as a Guest man.  What's the colour of your new ride?[/quote] the opposite of white ,, black......   I'll just drive by with lots of white papers clued upon the hood, pretending to be a white car.......LoL
[quote]引用第489楼metrotown于2009-09-28 13:32发表的 : the opposite of white ,, black......   I'll just drive by with lots of white papers clued upon the hood, pretending to be a white car.......LoL[/quote] ROFL. Alright man, let's add you in as a Guest.
[quote]引用第481楼浪漫purple于2009-09-28 08:03发表的  : 我家的车是灰色的,该洗le[/quote] 要不要一起洗车然后一起过去????[s:200]
[s:200] 支持~~~
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