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[quote]引用第19楼juicygirl于2010-04-03 09:42发表的  : 这个不是交友帖。~请某些激渴的男别PM我。 发表意见的可以PM我,交朋友的就请自动飘过吧~谢谢,谢谢大家支持。[/quote] 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈,笑死我了!可能很多人认为是大好机会吧?哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈
没有啦,说实话,看完以后的感觉是替你可惜,因为你说对那个男生有好感。但是如果他知道错的话就给人家一个机会啦。。。 好笑的是明明你都说了,但是还是会有人利用你这个贴来找上你。。。我没有冒犯大家的意思的,得罪之处,敬请原谅
呃~人都是不同地~自己的双手合起来还不一定一摸一样标准呢, 一次小意外,来得快去的也快,还有更好的等着你呢
[quote]现在大家都是把性看的象水一样普通吗? .......[/quote] 不是大家把性看的像水一样普通,是你把性看的比什么都要重要~
[s:236] 根年龄有关 [s:237]
[quote]引用第6楼candy莹莹于2010-04-02 17:38发表的  : 都是这样的 他们认为性是爱的一种[/quote] [s:188]那我这样的。不是很稀有。。。[s:206]
[quote]引用第15楼sammytsai于2010-04-02 22:21发表的  : 哇靠 這麼厲害的男生?3天就想來了? .......[/quote] [s:208]我3年了。 还没拉过女孩子的手[s:205]
[quote]引用第19楼juicygirl于2010-04-03 09:42发表的  : 这个不是交友帖。~请某些激渴的男别PM我。 发表意见的可以PM我,交朋友的就请自动飘过吧~谢谢,谢谢大家支持。[/quote] hmm.....那岂不是很适合你~~~哇哈哈哈
每个人对这个的看法和程度都不一样!! 有人认为要保持到最神圣的时刻! 有人认为那是爱和负责的一种表现!! 记得,之前有个小学的女同学给我讲 她说:"有的女生认为,男生如果没有对女生有那方面的想法的话!女生就会认为男生只是玩玩而已!不会负责的" 欢迎楼主来PM讨论话题
[quote]引用第30楼daidaiyu于2010-04-03 21:40发表的  : 每个人对这个的看法和程度都不一样!! 有人认为要保持到最神圣的时刻! 有人认为那是爱和负责的一种表现!! 记得,之前有个小学的女同学给我讲 .......[/quote] 讨论就讨论,为什么还要PM呢?动机不纯阿`~~啊哈哈
LS的别来捣乱。鄙视你 [s:246]  [s:246]  [s:246]
[quote]引用第24楼kevin鱼于2010-04-03 10:31发表的  : 呃~人都是不同地~自己的双手合起来还不一定一摸一样标准呢, 一次小意外,来得快去的也快,还有更好的等着你呢[/quote] 呵呵。。有更好的再等着我。这句话我爱听。。嘻嘻
某某男居然直接PM说可以不可以当我BF。。WTH。。 警告一次。再有第二次,就发你ID。。。逼近还是05年的号~
沒辦法....男人的本性 不過還是會有細心的男人... 少就是了 [s:204]
[quote]引用第34楼juicygirl于2010-04-04 01:53发表的  : 某某男居然直接PM说可以不可以当我BF。。WTH。。 警告一次。再有第二次,就发你ID。。。逼近还是05年的号~[/quote] [s:199]声明!!! 不是我!!
[quote]引用第34楼juicygirl于2010-04-04 01:53发表的  : 某某男居然直接PM说可以不可以当我BF。。WTH。。 警告一次。再有第二次,就发你ID。。。逼近还是05年的号~[/quote] 透露下`~~谁那么没眼光阿。。。
Sex is something you enjoy, not something you "give". It is not a privilege, and it is not a tool for other narrow minded personal agenda. Here is a funny paradox: 1,How can you know if a sex deprived man truly loves you or not? He might love you for the sex and he might also be truly confused because of the burning desire in his heart. Sex deprived men tend to be needy, insecure, inpatient, and anything but cool and elegant, and ladies often find them unattractive. Conclusion: it is best not to date a sex deprived man. 2, Most young ladies don't want to date an experienced and sex satisfied man who is sexually active with other ladies. This paradox has been going on for a while, and it often leads to unrealistic desire of dating men who are as cool as the "pros" but as pure as sex deprived men. I am not saying young ladies should just "give it up" and have sex with whoever. Rather, I suggest figure out why you don't want to enjoy sex first. Do you think sex is painful,shameful? Do you treat virginity as an asset? I hope your honest answer is not the latter, because if you treat your own body part merely as a mean, then you should have no difficulty, shame or guilt to treat others merely as means. Couples can only be happy if both of them know what they truly want, and be honest about it. We don't know exactly what others think, so it is best to start from ourselves and pray that our partners are honest. "What should I do if someone I have dated for 3 days wants sex?" Well, you have figured out your reasons and examined your beliefs( and if you are truly smart, you will find sex is something to enjoy rather than something to bargain with).  So next time when it happens, tell the guy what you think of sex and how you want it done. Compare following cases: 1,A girl chooses not to enjoy it with the boyfriend that she loves; after 5 years of marathon, they get married and physically connected . The guy(I don't use "man" for a very good reason) then suddenly finds out that once his sex desire is met, he no longer has the passion for the girl because they two are not really great and compatible together. 2, A girl chooses not to "give" it to her boyfriend that she loves; after 1 years of marathon, the man concludes that the girl is insecure, over-controlling and abusive. He moves on and never looks back. 3,another girl chooses to enjoy it with her boyfriend. it turns out that the guy is only interested in sex, so she dumps him and learns a mate selection lesson. (or enjoys sex with him if he is really that good) 4, another girl get rejected by a man because of her lack of virginity. She moves on while laughing at him of being a social conditioned sheep and anything but a real man. 5, another girl chooses to enjoy it with her boyfriend. It turns out they two are very compatible and great, so they get married(minus the happily ever after part to stay on topic). which girl do you want to be? Always use condoms because you don't want to get some weird diseases.
[quote]引用第34楼juicygirl于2010-04-04 01:53发表的  : 某某男居然直接PM说可以不可以当我BF。。WTH。。 警告一次。再有第二次,就发你ID。。。逼近还是05年的号~[/quote] can I be you BF[s:236] PM is for losers[s:204]
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