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30岁的时候,我说我爱你, 你笑着说:“你呀!要是真的爱我,[url=http://www.todsshoesstore.com]tods shoes[/url],就别下了班到处跑, 还有,别再忘了我叫你买的菜!” 80岁的时候,你说你爱我。 我什么也没说,由于我流泪了, 然而那是我人生最最快活的日子, 因为你终于说出了那句“我--爱--你"。 敬爱的、我用毕生说你。 50岁的时候,我说我爱你, 你打着毛线头也不抬:“真的? 你心里是不是巴不得我早点儿死掉。” 而后就咯咯咯地笑个不停,[url=http://www.nike-mercurialvapors.com]mercurial vapor[/url]。 20岁的时候,我说我爱你, 你把头靠在我的肩上,牢牢地挽住我的手臂, 像是下一秒我就要消散一样。 60岁的时候,我说我爱你, 你笑着捶了我一拳: "逝世老头子!孙子都这么大了,还贫嘴! 70岁的时候,我们坐在摇椅上,戴着老花镜, 观赏着50年前我给你的情书, 咱们已经充满皱纹的手又握在了一起, 那时侯我说我爱你, 你蜜意地望着我, 实在你那已经皱纹满面的脸还是那么漂亮…… 炉子上的开水咕嘟咕嘟地冒烟, 温馨的暖意充斥了全部房子.............. 40岁的时候,我说我爱你, 你边整理碗筷边无表情的嘟囔着: “行了,行了,快去给孩子温习作业去吧!” 非主流日记告知你 “非主流日记:用终生说我爱你”文章版权归原作者及www.qqoi.net独特所有,转载请保存Www.qqoi.Net标识! 缘清如水.爱清如流 5岁的时候,我说我爱你。 你歪着脑袋,眨着水晶般的大眼睛,[url=http://www.beatsdresale.com]dre beats[/url], 怀疑地问我:“什么意思呀?” 25岁的时候,我说我爱你,[url=http://www.todsshoesstore.com]tods[/url], 你把早餐放在桌上,跑过来刮了一下我的鼻子说: “晓得了!勤虫,该起床了!” 15岁的时候,我说我爱你, 你的酡颜得像火烧云,头深深地低着, 摆弄著衣襟,[url=http://www.beatsdresale.com]beats by dre[/url],你似乎在笑。       [url=http://blog.uxul.de/2011/02/new-privacy-policies-at-my-university.html#comments]听着电话那边传来你那熟习的声音[/url]       [url=http://www.519i.org/bbs/read.php?tid=5586&page=e&#a]一个悲观主义者,却可以是乐观的[/url]       [url=http://www.ultramanclub.cn/uhome/space.php?uid=76167&do=blog&id=150737]  是与非的辩论[/url]    A hundred yards away was a straight road, show- ing white in the moonlight. Endeavouring to orient himself, as a surveyor or navigator might say, the man moved his eyes slowly along its visible length and at a distance of a quarter-mile to the south of his station saw, dim and grey in the haze, a group of horsemen riding to the north. Behind them were men afoot, marching in column, with dimly gleaming rifles aslant above their shoulders. They moved slowly and in silence. Another group of horsemen, another regiment of infantry, another and another --all in unceasing motion toward the man's point of view, past it, and beyond. A battery of artillery followed, the cannoneers riding with folded arms on limber and caisson. And still the interminable procession came out of the obscurity to south and passed into the obscurity to north, with never a sound of voice, nor hoof, nor wheel.     The man could not rightly understand: he thought himself deaf; said so, and heard his own voice, al- though it had an unfamiliar quality that almost alarmed him; it disappointed his ear's expectancy in the matter of timbre and resonance. But he was not deaf, and that for the moment sufficed.
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