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lol.. no.. i am pretty sure.. MORE than half of the people rolls in JDM shu xD
[quote]引用第354楼darkscythe于2009-09-19 10:36发表的 : lol.. no.. i am pretty sure.. MORE than half of the people rolls in JDM shu xD[/quote] [size=7]LOL, that's what I am saying man. I need to get myself a shirt that says I [color=#ff0000]♥[/color] JDM [/size]
[s:205] 醉翁之意不在酒
[quote]引用第342楼fairladyz于2009-09-17 17:26发表的  : LOL, and no, it wasn't me.  It was a convertible Z.  And a FD 7.[/quote] [s:204]
[quote]引用第353楼v!gorous于2009-09-19 00:58发表的  : 十月份那个是不是只要是白色的车都能去阿, 我没参加过活动,想去凑凑热闹,行吗?[/quote] 欢迎~
[quote]引用第357楼CelicaGTS于2009-09-19 12:36发表的  : [s:204][/quote] you know.. you are the first one i thought xD
阴盛阳衰吗现在-.-~~~ [s:179]
[quote]引用第360楼visualrock于2009-09-19 20:02发表的  : 阴盛阳衰吗现在-.-~~~ [s:179][/quote] 错, 反了。 现在9女11男了。。。
[quote]引用第361楼tzhr于2009-09-19 23:54发表的  : 错, 反了。 现在9女11男了。。。[/quote] 条件括免了, 男生都涌出来了
看來今年是沒指望了... 挨..等明年吧...七夕又一個人過了...  [s:204]
[quote]引用第359楼darkscythe于2009-09-19 15:24发表的  : you know.. you are the first one i thought xD[/quote] oh really?   hahaha
没白色的车  for the white car event = =  [s:179]
its ok.. we can just go and trash the "white" party la.. even though most likey i will show up in a white car
[quote]引用第368楼darkscythe于2009-09-20 08:34发表的 : its ok.. we can just go and trash the "white" party la.. even though most likey i will show up in a white car[/quote] Are you planning on riding with K?
no.. not gonna be a light bulb this time haha.. gonna show up in a diff white car
[quote]引用第370楼darkscythe于2009-09-20 15:50发表的 : no.. not gonna be a light bulb this time haha.. gonna show up in a diff white car[/quote] Tell me you've picked up a white G35, LOL.
[quote]引用第371楼fairladyz于2009-09-20 16:22发表的 : Tell me you've picked up a white G35, LOL.[/quote] Nah....I think he got a new gf recently....secretly........ 他每次交女朋友都玩神秘...東收收西藏藏..... Yo~240...你就收着你女朋友啊....不要告訴我嘛~~!!!!!!也叫Ray不要告訴我嘛~!!!    收好點啊~!!千萬不要讓我知道~!!!~~~~~~~[s:203]
女10  男11
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