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加入AUTO CLUB 的要求及方式~ 

刚加入auto club,大家多关照。
[s:247] 我也素新加入的。互相关照。 最近比较穷,能观照点现金么 [s:196]
Canadian Tire 的代金券行吗? [s:235]
[s:179]  [s:179]  [s:179] 我真得很需要
哇, 都都是神人都不用睡觉的 个个都是熬夜高手
nice to meet all you guys & gals... and sorry i took off earlier... did anyone even notice i was gone??
[quote]引用第298楼dori于2009-09-14 11:13发表的  : nice to meet all you guys & gals... and sorry i took off earlier... did anyone even notice i was gone??[/quote] OF COURSE. It's really hard to miss your loud exhaust sound.[s:236]
看上去3,4。1个是单身聚会,1个是白车都不能参加了晕死 [s:185]
hahaha... is that loud?? because i can't hear anything @ all.... hahaha
[quote]引用第302楼dori于2009-09-14 12:15发表的  : hahaha... is that loud?? because i can't hear anything @ all.... hahaha[/quote] lol, you didn't say goodbye to me tho [s:185] Will you go to next meet?
maybe... but won't be driving the 86.... too loud ma...
maybe i will join the all white meeting... see what happen.

URe:9月25号活动更新~ 还有新公告

[quote]引用第305楼dori于2009-09-14 12:24发表的  : maybe i will join the all white meeting... see what happen.[/quote] U GOT A WHITE CAR?
suv, will that count?
[quote]引用第307楼dori于2009-09-14 12:25发表的  : suv, will that count?[/quote] should be[s:200]
I am down for DA WHITE COLLECTION.  LOL, pearl white FTMFW!
[quote]引用第309楼fairladyz于2009-09-14 13:47发表的  : I am down for DA WHITE COLLECTION.  LOL, pearl white FTMFW![/quote] 不要忘记,还要穿白衣服,白裤子,还有白鞋,小伙儿帅呆了[s:196]
[quote]引用第310楼坦克车于2009-09-14 13:51发表的 : 不要忘记,还要穿白衣服,白裤子,还有白鞋,小伙儿帅呆了[s:196] [/quote] LOL, 你这一说,我想了一下,我居然没有一件/双白衣服,白裤子,白鞋子!  Unless t-shirts count, haha. Dude, it was VERY nice meeting you last night!   You gotta find some ways to make some dollars and buy that damn tank of yours and blow some sh*t up, yo!
我都有白色的。哈哈。 见到你也很高兴啊,超级喜欢昨天晚上你的T 恤衫。昨天你是我们的英雄,千里迢迢,千辛万苦的把那个女孩子接来了。英雄!!! $$$$$$  i am working on it.!!!    my tank~~~~~~~~  [s:198]
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