个人出售2013顶配Execline Touareg TDI 途锐 柴油

个人出售保养极佳几乎全新的2013年顶配Execline Touareg TDI 途锐柴油版,白外棕内。使用43,000公里。车辆贴有前脸的3M防护膜,保护高速驾驶中石头子对油漆的伤害。车辆已经配有米其林ICE2雪胎(M+S) 使用4000公里和一套四季胎使用近40,000公里。
- 3.0L V6 TurboDiesel 柴油引擎
- 动力 240马力@3,500转速/分钟,406磅-英尺 扭矩@1,750转
- 八速自动和手动
- 四轮全驱动 带越野模式
- 带ABS四轮碟刹
- 采用LED技术的双氙气大灯
- LED尾灯
- 电动全景天窗
- BLOCK HEATER(冬天插电给车保暖
- 前后停车雷达
- 倒车影像
- 双区域温控(左右空调温度不同)
- Dynaudio震撼音响
- 速度表盘导航和中控导航
- 电动可调整驾驶方向盘
- 12方位座椅调整
- 五个座位的座椅加热
- 后座乘客青色防炫目玻璃
- 后座乘客的座椅调整
- 110V车载电源,两个12V车载插口
- 自动电动起降后备厢门
- 左右后视镜电动调整,加热和收起
- 3个驾驶位置的记忆
- 简单的氛围灯
- 已完成VW北美柴油尾气维修 城市油耗10.8 +1.5 L/100公里, 高速6.7+1.5 L/100公里
- 轮胎:P275 / 45R20
- 标准功能:( Execline)双区自动气候控制
- 带可记忆功率的方向盘,12路电源
- 带有动力腰部支撑的前排座椅
- 真皮座椅表面
- 加热方向盘
- 加热前后座椅
- 带启动/停止按钮的无钥匙访问
- 620瓦Dynaudio音响系统,配有12个扬声器和卫星收音机
- 蓝牙
- 导航
- 带60 GB硬盘的触摸屏
- 电动天窗
- 停车距离控制
- 后视摄像头
- 采用LED技术的双氙气大灯
- LED尾灯
- 60/40分割折叠/滑动后排座椅
- 加热垫圈喷嘴
- 动力后挡板
- 真正的毛刺胡桃木插入物
- 20英寸合金轮毂
- BLOCK HEATER 冬季电能发动机保温
- 牵引能力,3,500千克(7,716磅)
车辆在10k公里有一次追尾其它车的事故。在ICBC认证的SPOTLITE COLLISION LTD修复,在温哥华。通过测量,结构和桥梁没有收到伤害。保险杠,挡泥板和引擎盖以及所有其他损坏的部件都被更换为新的。零件和人工总计23,000加元。可提供车身车间的照片和完整维修报告。
维护:通常每7000公里换油一次。维护书上有完整的历史记录。免费24小时路边援助,直到2019年5月6日无限公里。车辆延长保修期至2020-03-06 或100,000公里,保修ke zhu。详情如下:
The parts and component groups included in the Coverage Plans described in section B.1 consist of, and are limited to, the parts and components of the Vehicle that are listed after the headings below, which headings are provided for convenience only and are not intended to extend coverage beyond the parts and components that follow the headings:
(a) Engine. Cylinder block and all internally lubricated parts contained within the engine, including the following: cylinder heads; pistons; piston rings; connecting rods and bearings; crankshaft; crankshaft main bearings; OHC carriers; cover and module; camshaft; camshaft bearings; cam followers; timing chain or belt (unless the timing belt was not replaced as recommended by the Vehicle’s manufacturer); timing gears; timing chain cover; timing chain tensioners; timing chain and belt guides; timing belt pulley; engine serpentine belt tensioner; idler pulley; idler pulley bearings; flywheel (excluding teeth); rocker arms; rocker shafts; rocker bearings; cylinder head valves; valve seals; valve seats; valve lifters; valve springs; valve retainers; push rods; water pump; oil pump; oil pump housing; harmonic balancer; oil pan (excluding drain plug threads); intake manifold; exhaust manifold (excluding manifold and convertor assembly); valve covers; engine mounts; diesel fuel injection pump; diesel vacuum pump; and seals and gaskets for the parts and components listed in this component group.
(b) Turbocharger and Supercharger (original factory installed parts or components only). Turbocharger or supercharger housing and the internal parts of the turbocharger or supercharger, including blowout valves; intercooler; and seals and gaskets for the parts and components listed in this component group.
(c) Transmission (Automatic or Standard). Transmission case (if damaged from within) and all internal parts contained within the transmission case; input shaft; master clutch cylinder; torque converter; vacuum modulator; transmission mounts; oil pan; and seals and gaskets for the parts and components listed in this component group.
(d) Transfer Case. Transfer case (if damaged from within) and all internal parts contained within the transfer case; encoder motor; and seals and gaskets for the parts and components listed in this component group.
(e) Drive Axle (front and rear). Final drive housing; drive axle case (if damaged from within) and all internally lubricated parts contained within the drive axle case; differential cover; axle shaft; drive shaft universal joint; wheel bearings; hub bearing assembly (unless failure is caused by the anti-lock breaking system) tapered wheel bearings; locking hubs; drive shaft; constant velocity joints; drive line actuators; CV boots; and seals and gaskets for the parts and components listed in this component group. Notwithstanding the foregoing, as provided for in section 3.2, in the event a Lift Kit has been installed, in no case will Coverage be provided for universal joints.
(f) Front Wheel Steering. Steering box and all internal parts contained within the steering box; rack and pinion gear; power steering pump; power steering hoses; steering spindles; pitman arm; idler arm; center link; upper steering column shaft; relays; sensors; and seals and gaskets for the parts and components listed in this component group.
(g) Brakes. Master cylinder; vacuum assist booster; hydro assist booster; disc brake caliper; wheel cylinders; compensating valve; metal brake hydraulic lines; combination valve; and seals and gaskets for the parts and components listed in this component group.
(h) Electrical. Alternator; digital instrument cluster; instrument panel printed circuit board; voltage regulator; starter motor; starter solenoid; starter drive; factory engine compartment wiring harness; electronic ignition module; distributor pick-up coil; ignition switch; ignition lock cylinder; ignition coils; front and rear wiper motor; washer pump and switch; manually operated electrical switches; body computer and control module; powertrain control module; stop lamp switch; headlamp switch; headlamp motor; turn signal switch; heater and air conditioning control assembly; blower motor resistor; horns; factory installed cruise control module; cruise control transducer; cruise control servo and amplifier; cruise control engagement switch; power vent window motors; power window motor (excluding regulators); power window switch; serviceable power seat motors (excluding frame or base assembly) power seat switch; power mirror motor (excluding assemblies); power mirror motor switch; power antenna motor (excluding mast); convertible top motor; serviceable sun roof motor (excluding frame assembly); rear defogger switch; rear window defroster grid (excluding glass); and power door lock actuator and switch.
(i) Air Conditioner. Condenser; compressor; clutch assembly and pulley; air conditioning lines and hoses; evaporator; high/low compressor cut-off switch; expansion valve; pressure cycling switch; orifice tube; and seals and gaskets for the parts and components listed in this component group.
(j) Fuel System. Fuel pump; diesel nozzles and fuel injectors; fuel tank; mechanical fuel tank sending unit; fuel rail; fuel pressure regulator; metal fuel delivery lines; and fuel tank selector valve.
(k) Front and Rear Suspension. Upper and lower control arms; control arm shafts or bushings; upper and lower ball joints; torsion bars and mounts or bushings; stabilizer bar (excluding any electronic disconnect system); stabilizer links and bushings; king pins; and spindle and spindle support. Notwithstanding the foregoing, as provided for in section 3.2, in the event a Lift Kit has been installed, in no case will Coverage be provided for ball joints.
(l) Heating and Cooling System. Heater core; front and rear blower motor; engine cooling fan and motor; hydraulic fan clutch hub; radiator; and hot water valve.
(m) Emission System. AIR pump; cam shaft sensor; canister purge solenoid; canister vent solenoid (excluding the canister filter assembly); knock sensor; crank angle sensor; EGR solenoid; EGR valve; idle speed control motor; mass air flow sensor; manifold pressure sensor; O2 (oxygen) sensor; PCM coolant temperature sensor; serviceable throttle position sensor (TPS); and vacuum pump. The Emission System component group is covered only while the Vehicle has less than 100,000 kilometres on its odometer, regardless of whether this Policy is a New Plan or Used Plan, subject to the Coverage provided under the Ultimate Parts Group in section B.2(n).
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(n) Ultimate Parts Group. All other parts or components of the mechanical system of the Vehicle not already listed in sections B.2(a) through (m), except those parts or components that are specifically excluded in section 3.2. Hybrid battery packs are only covered for a maximum benefit of $3,000. The Ultimate Parts Group also extends the period of Coverage for the Emission System part and component group described in section B.2(m) to an odometer reading of 140,000 kilometres on the Vehicle.
(a) Engine. Cylinder block and all internally lubricated parts contained within the engine, including the following: cylinder heads; pistons; piston rings; connecting rods and bearings; crankshaft; crankshaft main bearings; OHC carriers; cover and module; camshaft; camshaft bearings; cam followers; timing chain or belt (unless the timing belt was not replaced as recommended by the Vehicle’s manufacturer); timing gears; timing chain cover; timing chain tensioners; timing chain and belt guides; timing belt pulley; engine serpentine belt tensioner; idler pulley; idler pulley bearings; flywheel (excluding teeth); rocker arms; rocker shafts; rocker bearings; cylinder head valves; valve seals; valve seats; valve lifters; valve springs; valve retainers; push rods; water pump; oil pump; oil pump housing; harmonic balancer; oil pan (excluding drain plug threads); intake manifold; exhaust manifold (excluding manifold and convertor assembly); valve covers; engine mounts; diesel fuel injection pump; diesel vacuum pump; and seals and gaskets for the parts and components listed in this component group.
(b) Turbocharger and Supercharger (original factory installed parts or components only). Turbocharger or supercharger housing and the internal parts of the turbocharger or supercharger, including blowout valves; intercooler; and seals and gaskets for the parts and components listed in this component group.
(c) Transmission (Automatic or Standard). Transmission case (if damaged from within) and all internal parts contained within the transmission case; input shaft; master clutch cylinder; torque converter; vacuum modulator; transmission mounts; oil pan; and seals and gaskets for the parts and components listed in this component group.
(d) Transfer Case. Transfer case (if damaged from within) and all internal parts contained within the transfer case; encoder motor; and seals and gaskets for the parts and components listed in this component group.
(e) Drive Axle (front and rear). Final drive housing; drive axle case (if damaged from within) and all internally lubricated parts contained within the drive axle case; differential cover; axle shaft; drive shaft universal joint; wheel bearings; hub bearing assembly (unless failure is caused by the anti-lock breaking system) tapered wheel bearings; locking hubs; drive shaft; constant velocity joints; drive line actuators; CV boots; and seals and gaskets for the parts and components listed in this component group. Notwithstanding the foregoing, as provided for in section 3.2, in the event a Lift Kit has been installed, in no case will Coverage be provided for universal joints.
(f) Front Wheel Steering. Steering box and all internal parts contained within the steering box; rack and pinion gear; power steering pump; power steering hoses; steering spindles; pitman arm; idler arm; center link; upper steering column shaft; relays; sensors; and seals and gaskets for the parts and components listed in this component group.
(g) Brakes. Master cylinder; vacuum assist booster; hydro assist booster; disc brake caliper; wheel cylinders; compensating valve; metal brake hydraulic lines; combination valve; and seals and gaskets for the parts and components listed in this component group.
(h) Electrical. Alternator; digital instrument cluster; instrument panel printed circuit board; voltage regulator; starter motor; starter solenoid; starter drive; factory engine compartment wiring harness; electronic ignition module; distributor pick-up coil; ignition switch; ignition lock cylinder; ignition coils; front and rear wiper motor; washer pump and switch; manually operated electrical switches; body computer and control module; powertrain control module; stop lamp switch; headlamp switch; headlamp motor; turn signal switch; heater and air conditioning control assembly; blower motor resistor; horns; factory installed cruise control module; cruise control transducer; cruise control servo and amplifier; cruise control engagement switch; power vent window motors; power window motor (excluding regulators); power window switch; serviceable power seat motors (excluding frame or base assembly) power seat switch; power mirror motor (excluding assemblies); power mirror motor switch; power antenna motor (excluding mast); convertible top motor; serviceable sun roof motor (excluding frame assembly); rear defogger switch; rear window defroster grid (excluding glass); and power door lock actuator and switch.
(i) Air Conditioner. Condenser; compressor; clutch assembly and pulley; air conditioning lines and hoses; evaporator; high/low compressor cut-off switch; expansion valve; pressure cycling switch; orifice tube; and seals and gaskets for the parts and components listed in this component group.
(j) Fuel System. Fuel pump; diesel nozzles and fuel injectors; fuel tank; mechanical fuel tank sending unit; fuel rail; fuel pressure regulator; metal fuel delivery lines; and fuel tank selector valve.
(k) Front and Rear Suspension. Upper and lower control arms; control arm shafts or bushings; upper and lower ball joints; torsion bars and mounts or bushings; stabilizer bar (excluding any electronic disconnect system); stabilizer links and bushings; king pins; and spindle and spindle support. Notwithstanding the foregoing, as provided for in section 3.2, in the event a Lift Kit has been installed, in no case will Coverage be provided for ball joints.
(l) Heating and Cooling System. Heater core; front and rear blower motor; engine cooling fan and motor; hydraulic fan clutch hub; radiator; and hot water valve.
(m) Emission System. AIR pump; cam shaft sensor; canister purge solenoid; canister vent solenoid (excluding the canister filter assembly); knock sensor; crank angle sensor; EGR solenoid; EGR valve; idle speed control motor; mass air flow sensor; manifold pressure sensor; O2 (oxygen) sensor; PCM coolant temperature sensor; serviceable throttle position sensor (TPS); and vacuum pump. The Emission System component group is covered only while the Vehicle has less than 100,000 kilometres on its odometer, regardless of whether this Policy is a New Plan or Used Plan, subject to the Coverage provided under the Ultimate Parts Group in section B.2(n).
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(n) Ultimate Parts Group. All other parts or components of the mechanical system of the Vehicle not already listed in sections B.2(a) through (m), except those parts or components that are specifically excluded in section 3.2. Hybrid battery packs are only covered for a maximum benefit of $3,000. The Ultimate Parts Group also extends the period of Coverage for the Emission System part and component group described in section B.2(m) to an odometer reading of 140,000 kilometres on the Vehicle.
列出价格: $32,999 CAD
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