如果你想成为一个音乐DJ 请从这开始

这里是几个比较简单易用的DJ beat软件 刚开始只需通过电脑就可以使用 如果你想进阶的话 请在和我联系 底下的网址 请复制粘贴连接 价格都很合理 而且绝对是用 No.1 BTVSOLO BTV Solo is a new released music production software and sound packscreated by Dallas Austin, an award winning producer that has handled themusic of many major stars including Madonna, Pink, Michael Jackson,Boyz II Men and countless other artists in the genres of pop, rap andr&b. Now, with BTV Solo software, you can harness the power of hisincredible sound on your own computer. BTVSolo is specially designed forboth beginners and professionals. It’s simple enough for a completebeginner to make extraordinary sounding beats while, at the same time,robust enough for seasoned producers to enjoy a full production machineall in one program. It is capable of creating professional qualitybeats, melodies, hits and much, much more. It’s an all-in-one audiopowerhouse. Several of the big names in the music industry make use ofit and this is pretty impressive as well as reassuring about what toexpect from this piece of software. Check website & buy it: [backcolor=#548dd4]//945c2xt6rkv6txv-8j4nzaek3u.hop.clickbank.net/ [/backcolor] No.2 DUBturbo If you’re looking for more information on DUBturbo, then you’re in luck.Are you someone who is interested in music and music production? If so,then you may have been on the internet searching for that perfect pieceof software to enable you to produce the ideal sound you have beenlooking for. There are many products available on the market and theyall vary in price and ability. You may have also already purchased asoftware program; only to find that it does not produce the sounds thatyou are looking for or, you have found that you have had to purchaseother products such as drums or keyboards so that you can use thesoftware efficiently. One product that can boast an all in one solutionis DUBturbo, which has taken the music market by storm and is used bypeople that have all levels of ability when it comes to musicproduction. Check website & buy it: [backcolor=#548dd4]//732a7xt9pho9u9z-5wzh11ru77.hop.clickbank.net/[/backcolor] NO.3 Dr.Drum Beat Maker It is not easy to use, but still a good software. Check website & buy it: [backcolor=#548dd4]//0c27e6x6tfwxnzq8y2gdwi9y47.hop.clickbank.net/[/backcolor]