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Sea to Sky Highway - A Day Trip(AUGUST 01,2011 ) 

Sea to Sky Highway - A Day Trip(AUGUST 01,2011 )

Sea to Sky Highway - A Day Trip 时间是AUGUST 1, 2011 MONDAY 时间表 11AM 在温哥华吃BRUNCH 或者自己解决 (地点REFREW SKYTRAIN STATION王子海鲜酒家吃点心) 12:30PM 在 REFREW SKYTRAIN STATION 出发。没有到达的下一次吧。 2PM到达第一站BC Museum of Mining 资料 Activity: I have to tell you about the coolest thing we did this summer.  We actually went inside a copper mine tunnel while riding inside a rickety little boxcar.  Fred, our tour guide, showed us where they used to store dynamite, and he even operated a couple of drills for us.  Boy, were those drills noisy or what!  It's a wonder miners can hear anything after listening to that drilling all day long.  The funniest part was when Fred showed us The Honey Wagon.  You'll never guess what The Honey Wagon was used for--going to the bathroom.  With 125 miles of mine shaft, I guess miners couldn't always hold it long enough to get outside. At the end of the tour we saw the SUPER mine truck.  It weighs 235 tons.  Fred said the ones they use now even have T.V.'s and microwaves in them.  Last of all Dad and I tried panning for gold.  We ended up with a small pill bottle of gold flakes.  I had no idea panning for gold was such hard work.  We must have been at it for at least 45 minutes! :Britannia Mine is a great place for people to see first-hand what it was like to be a miner in the early 1900's.  They have a museum too with all sorts of neat artifacts and pictures of miners.  Did you know they had a mudslide that went right through the kitchen and killed about 25 people?  There was also a big fire there once that burned down the Concentrator (that's where they separate the copper from the sludge).   They still use the rebuilt Concentrator for filming movies at.  It's perfect  for scary shows like The X-Files, the ones Mom won't let me watch.  It actually has a stairway going all the way to the top.  It looks like it could get you all the way to heaven.  Man, you wouldn't want to fall down that! **[img]http://www.findfamilyfun.com/mining1a.jpg[/img] 3:30PM 到达Shannon Falls - Squamish Area(HIKING) *****一定要带水***** 在SHANNON FALLS 旁边有一家餐馆。想吃点东西或者喝的东西再上山都可以。 资料 Activity: We've been to Shannon Falls a couple times, usually as a stop on the way to Whistler.  It's not really that far from Vancouver and it makes for a nice Sunday drive on the Sea-to-Sky Highway (Highway 99).  The 1100 foot falls is the 3rd highest in the province.  This is a great place to have a picnic also.  You can also combine the Falls with other attractions in the area like the BC Museum of Mining - Britannia Beach, West Coast Railway Heritage Park - Squamish, or Viewing Bald Eagles - Brackendale. Age group: All ages Expense rating: Free      : An impressive display of cascading water.  It's also pretty in mid-winter when it freezes over, and people try to climb it, although I would recommend you don't do that unless you know how. SHANNON FALLS 特别美一路上山可以见到瀑布。 之后回温哥华吃DINNER 或者自己解决 (地点再说) 我可以接送4个人。其他的人可以安排CARPOOL.(12:30PM 在 REFREW SKYTRAIN STATION 出发。) 前4个报名一定有人接送。想去的报名吧。 我的QQ是:2392771249
现在有3个报名了... 1:乒乒乓乓 2:沙拉 3:Mike
我想去, 明天正好休息,
现在有4个报名了... 1:乒乒乓乓 2:沙拉 3:Mike 4: 阿文 我的车满了。如果是不想去的,请通知我。。
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