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请教各位资深宠物主人,有关Vet Clinic的收费问题 

请教各位资深宠物主人,有关Vet Clinic的收费问题

前几天从Surrey的一家Breeder买来了一只Maltese女孩,听他们介绍说Surrey Animal Hospital打预防针很便宜,不额外收取Health Check Fees。我今天打电话去了两家Richmond的Vet Clinic对比了一下,结果如下。 [color=#c00000]Dr. Anothony Lau (Richmond口碑很好的Vet):[/color] Second Shot+Health Exam: $63 [color=#c0504d]Richmond Animal Hospital:[/color] Second Shot+ Manditory Health Check: $38 + $90=$128 Neutering: $300 (还要另加 90块钱 Blood Test) [color=#c00000]Surrey Animal Hospital: [/color] Second Shot: $28 Third Shot:$28+Rabies $20=$48 Neutering:$55 价格差得有点离谱了,是Surrey  Animal Hospital的太便宜,还是Richmond的太贵了。诚意请教各位资深宠物主人。
basic second shot都是20几吧?然后加针~比如防止狗狗到处乱闻的时候感染的corona。前几天刚带我家养着的另外一只小狗去打针了。护士建议我打一个带小狗去上课的时候可能感染的什么针,我没打,因为狗狗太小,都是家里呆着,我自己家的狗狗很干净很健康,所以没打。还有他们要给我除虫药,我也没要,因为感觉这小狗一切正常,没必要去虫。 税前是42。完税47。04
狗狗针打多了非常不好,我自己的第三只puppy是完全没有打过针的 比起来打针的狗狗真的是不一样,健康很多,而且很快就可以适应到 新的环境,没有那么多的whining, barking for attention的issue,很 快就可以领悟到主人想要的东西。大家真的要好好考虑一下免疫针 对狗狗伤害的问题
狗狗针打多了非常不好,我自己的第三只puppy是完全没有打过针的 比起来打针的狗狗真的是不一样,健康很多,而且很快就可以适应到 新的环境,没有那么多的whining, barking for attention的issue,很 快就可以领悟到主人想要的东西。大家真的要好好考虑一下免疫针 对狗狗伤害的问题
可是第三个,没有包括检查费阿,那个可能是大头哦~~~ 我之前就是在lansdowne clinic 那里,后来觉得太贵了不怎么样,听人介绍就去Dr. Lau 那里。 给胖胖(貂)打了犬温热的一针,4个小貂都检查了,才70多块。。。 而且医生人很耐心,还主动跟我说,如果貂养在家里,不跟别的貂,狗接触,就不需要打针。所以让我觉得很负责,也是个有良心的不是为了钱的医生。
I think different Vet has different cost, just like dentist. If u like their services, and the way they treat your animals, I think it's enough. Unless 100 /100 people said that's NO GOOD. Normally, if u r the 1st time own the pet, you might have more questions / problems in the first 2 years, and once to get more knowlege of understand your pet more, u don't need to see the Vet. until annual check up. My dog is going to 14 yrs. old soon, and eat dry food, take annual shots or annual check up. Of coz I can see him getting older now, like cannot see things very well in the dark, need to speak to him more loudly ... I think the most importants are daily care, like walk your dogs, clean their teeth, wipe after the poop, clean their paws after walking
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