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有没有去细纹,不油腻,价位不过100,当然价廉物美就更棒牌子推荐? 多谢
雅诗蓝黛的眼霜就挺好的   可以试试  价位70多吧
我在用卡尼尔的绿色的那个, 觉得对干纹有一定效果, 他家紧致的东西都不错!
这个要针对不同的肤质 以及你需求来看 还有看你之前所用的是什么眼霜 这些问题都是需要考虑到的~ 不是说适合大家的 也都适合你的哦~[s:200]
我自己用兰蔻的小黑瓶,感觉不错,眼角细纹明显减少~ 据说契尔氏的牛油果也不错
我觉得还是Clarins的眼霜好用,又便宜,之前在hhcosmetics买的clarins Firming Eye Contour Serum $56对黑眼圈很有效,他们家是温哥华本地开的网店,你可以去看看
EL 的ANR做为打底精华,然后用K家的牛油果。
TimeWise® Targeted-Action® 瞬間無痕除紋筆 See immediate results in minutes. See lasting results over time! Expression lines? Who needs them? Now lines and wrinkles can be firmed and tightened for a fresher, more relaxed look. Just click, point and target those expression lines away! •    Up to 33% reduction in the appearance of forehead lines and wrinkles. •    Up to 50% reduction in the appearance of crow’s feet area lines and wrinkles. See a Difference in Just 10 Minutes.* TimeWise® Targeted-Action® Line Reducer was shown to be effective in three separate studies.In one study, the results were seen by a leading dermatologist 10 minutes after the product was applied to the forehead. TimeWise® Targeted-Action® Line Reducer offers more than quick results. This highly effective product delivers immediate visible benefits to the forehead and crow’s-feet areas, two places that are especially vulnerable to expression lines and wrinkles and often need extra help in fighting the signs of aging. But it doesn't stop there. With continued use over time, this product also delivers lasting benefits not only to forehead and eye areas, but also to the other facial areas where lines and wrinkles have a tendency to settle. And the click pen applicator lets you deliver the precise amount of product to specific areas that need it most.
fresh lotus eye gel, 很好用的。
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