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美女工程师寻找MR  RIGHT 

美女工程师寻找MR  RIGHT

上一段感情结束已有一段时间了,该继续寻找MR  RIGHT了。 美女工程师,(  AT LEAST ABOVE  AVERAGE, 身材苗条 ), 25 岁,1米68,性格开朗,喜爱音乐,阅读。。。 希望你:条件相当, 25 + 5 ,  北美本科学历以上(这样会容易有共同语言),相貌身材好(1 米72   UP),事业心强,感情专一,成熟,懂得关心人。 工作压力大,生活节骤紧张,希望与有缘的你互相扶持,共创未来。 不相信网恋,但相信缘份。希望VANSKY是一个平台,MR RIGHT偶然路过! 没时间瞎聊,如感兴趣,请EMAIL  [email]lillly56@yahoo.com[/email]. 非诚勿扰 Best
wish u luck [s:200]

回 楼主(lillly) 的帖子

Hi , I am 180cm, graduated from UBC sauder school of business. I am currently working as a realtor  a mortgage broker. I like to watch dramas and movies at home.  Also I like to go shopping and sing k with friends... etc... ( too many things I like to do) I would considered myself as decent looking guy; the reason I used vansky is solely because I want to develop an internet website that brings girls and guys together similar to [url]www.jiayuan.com.[/url]  Thats why I need to do some research before I spend more time on my ideas. If I come across someone I would considered compatible, I would definitely be friends with them as well. From what you have posted on vansky, I would say that I am qualified for all your criteria, but of course it all comes down to whether our personality would match.   Sorry for making this sounds like an interview :) You could PM me
Try   [email]lilllydocument@gmail.com[/email] Best lillly
比我聪明的没我帅,比我帅的没我聪明,既比我聪明又比我帅的没我人品好,比我人品好的没我聪明也没我帅[s:196] 。 俺是来打酱油的,不要迷恋哥,哥只是个传说[s:187]
无图无真相 [s:203]

回 9楼(lalaolala) 的帖子

你印象中,学工程的女孩都是恐龙吗? 称之为美女工程师,一是自信心满满的,二嘛, 请看 ( 非诚勿扰耀0110528 )。 祝各位网友晚安,周末愉快!

回 10楼(lillly) 的帖子


Re:回 9楼(lalaolala) 的帖子

[quote]引用第10楼lillly于2011-05-28 22:57发表的 回 9楼(lalaolala) 的帖子 : 你印象中,学工程的女孩都是恐龙吗? 称之为美女工程师,一是自信心满满的,二嘛, 请看 ( 非诚勿扰耀0110528 )。 祝各位网友晚安,周末愉快! ....... [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=293677&pid=7105038][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] sorry, but that low-budget, highly manipulative, non-original production, which is also imfamous for its getting-internet-naked-to-get-5-seconds-fame desperate guests, has no market in the intelligent so yeah, i will give u the benifit of doubt for ur confidence in looks but taste, awwwww, i dont wanna say mean stuff and good night, have a nice weekend, yo'all
嗨,乱了,其实答案就在这一期的SHOW,评委说了,美女是近来人们对女性的一种集体称呼, 美女工程师=女工程师,象  美女摄影师。。, 80 后帅哥,。。Just so simple ! 至于狭义上的美女,不外是:  身材+相貌+皮肤+气质,还要有点“潮味”吧,( B+   OR   A  是美女? )  TASTE  , TASTE 但每个女孩都会PASS! No one fails.   公子,宽容些,不认同就转身得了 节目能作到今天,自然是有需求。在校园,图书馆,职场,朋友聚会上邂逅Mr/Ms Right, 很好呀,可并不是每个人都那么幸运。那些嘉宾们,特别是女孩们,她们也许不知在犹豫了多久,才跨上这个舞台。。。 有点sad  [s:198]
[s:237] 说自己是美女的,就算是美女我也不鸟她们[s:241] 做人要低调
[s:200] [quote]引用第16楼蛋疼疼于2011-05-30 19:36发表的  : [s:237] 说自己是美女的,就算是美女我也不鸟她们[s:241] 做人要低调 [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=293677&pid=7126272][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote]
Good luck!
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