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目击贴 - HAWT 

目击贴 - HAWT

Every automotive forum needs a WITNESSED thread and this one is of no exception. Considering the wealthy nature of this town, running into exotics and unique rides should be frequent practice.  Since yall have camera phones, why not snap a photo or two to share. RULES OF POSTING: 1) Object-in-question must have wheels.  I.E. don't start posting pics of women just because they are "hawt". 2) Please do not post any fried rice here - there is a separate thread for that  :evil grin: Happy posting, gear heads!
I'll start.
I stand to be corrected, but the 640 in the photo appears to be some kind of special edition.  I've seen those patterns on the door before.  Must be some luxury fashion brand.
I'll follow suit.
[quote]引用第2楼fairladyz于2011-05-01 20:40发表的  : I stand to be corrected, but the 640 in the photo appears to be some kind of special edition.  I've seen those patterns on the door before.  Must be some luxury fashion brand.[/quote] 这个,好象上次去参观的时候看到了。老板说是人家托他卖的 Versace Edition。 保养得很好的车,非常漂亮。[s:197]
前几天出去玩的照片~~ [attachment=399986] [attachment=399987] [attachment=399988]
i was heading to downtown to do some architectural photography shooting, then ran into this on my way to the bus stop. I half-expected the license plate to be "XING FU" haha jkjk :b
上个月去HR时拍的。 [img]attachment/photo/Mon_1105/4117_57771305186228666c84be707d2d4.jpg[/img] [img]attachment/photo/Mon_1105/4117_346f1305186385bbdacb28af2024b.jpg[/img]
Um...I think I was following fairladyz in his 350Z down marine drive until I hopped on the Arthur Laing bridge at around 4:20 today. You were swerving quite a bit lol. I was driving so I didn't whip out my phone to snap a shot at his clean car. :)
LOL that was me indeed. I had a guest in the car, and was attemping to drive in a more civilized manner.  Obviously I failed!
This car is anything but luxury and is known only to a few, but I still think it deserves a place here for its existence as a retro road legend. One of the rare ultra-clean minty LHD FD3S that are still around.
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