11summer 课表---向nonebo大神求教
暑假拿了4门 清一色BUS 207 254 303 343
207:Allan Matadeen 口碑较差 不过打分都是客观的assignment+MT+Final应该无碍把
254:Masood. Kamlani 23号选课时还纳闷254已经全满 原来都是冲着这老师去的
343:Bob Krider 这个夏天343是他独大 4% Tutorial Participation 12% Assignments
30% Current Case and Plan 24% Midterm 30% Final Exam 有42%是小组做的项目
自从上学期bus272 group project得全班最低分让我拿了来sfu第一个B range之后(MT考全班第一。。)对group是 闻风丧胆。这门课估计也是熊多鸡少
303:Tom Brown 这门课原本听说只消背背书即可通关 谁知看了syllabus不然
1. 15% participation – including a mix of pop quizzes and small assignments that will be done in class.
2. [color=#ff0000]30% Team projects[/color] – each team will collaborate on a project that will involve a presentation and a
written document.
3. 15% - journaling to document what you have learned from reading Defining Moments and from
class discussions of the text.
4. 10% - A short essay about a personal defining moment
5. 30% - A mid term exam
又是30分的team 莫非又是杯具