读书会/April 16: dinner with Oxford and UBC professors
[size=3][size=4] 如果大家想要报名参加下面的在卑斯大学校内理科教室举行的学术活动,请你来参加我们读书会一个月四次的讲座,积极参加我们的学术讨论,一起寻求科学知识真理,分享文学上的体会和得着。
如果要参加下面两个由不同大学(如牛津,卑斯大学学者教授)组织的晚宴,讲座,请在四月三日 9:45am 来图书会的 Mandarin Book Study 报名。读书会结束后,会宣布下周的活动。
(1)Saturday, April 9* 2011,Eaarth: Making a Life on a Tough New Planet at UBC Campus's science department's lecture hall. A lecture by William McKibben, professor , author, and he founder of environmental organizations Step It Up, and 350.org, a global warming awareness campaign.
Professor William Mckibben Described by the Boston Globe as "the nation's leading environmentalist,"
Professor McKibben is the author of more than a dozen books, including The End of Nature, Enough: Staying Human in an Engineered Age, and Deep
Economy. A former staff writer for the New Yorker, he writes often for Harper's, National Geographic, and the New York Review of Books, among other publications. He is the founder of the environmental organizations
Step It Up and 350.org, a global warming awareness campaign that in October 2009 coordinated what CNN called "the most widespread day of political action in the planet's history."
(2) (this dinner event reserved for UBC graduate, doctoral student, you can also bring your family and children to come )Saturday, April 16 ,2011 at 5 pm dinner at the home of Dr. Craig Mitton and Michelle Jenkins (Dr. Craig Mitton is one of the top medical school authorities, scholars, and professors at UBC and British Columbia). This is our academic year-end celebration. Some of us will be moving on to greater things, so it a chance to say bon voyage. More info to come.
At the dinner and discussion, there will be many Oxford PHD scholars and professors and other Cambridge scholars and UBC PHD and master degree students in law, medical science, mathematics, physics, human geography, and engineering.
这个星期读书会/book study 会在 在大统华附近的一家社区中心举行,欢迎带朋友,家人来参加我们的会.大家也可以邀请想要提高中文口语的韩国的或者其他亚洲国家的朋友来参加我们的读书会,分享优秀的中国传统文化,传播爱心. 我们可以在会议结束以后一起去Superstore &大统华购物. 请决定来的朋友准时赶到.
我们每个星期六会组织snowshoeing,每次去不同的地方hiking,前面几次我们去了北温的几个著名的旅游景点,如Mt. Cypress, Grouse Mountain, Whistler等等,我们还打算去西雅图那边snowshoeing, 活动费用全免, 我们每次book study结束以后,都会宣布下次活动地点. 目的主要是联谊,希望来这边的学人学者多多认识,交个朋友.
1exploring Canadian and American culture at (April 7th, 2011): eating traditional western dinner at a Western home group with other UBC scholars and students. for more information please come to the two events above.
contact : [email]chenbob48@gmail.com[/email][/size][/size]