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very interesting....................... 

very interesting.......................

I was coming up here hoping to see some comments on Japan's earthquake but interestingly enough... there's absolutely non I can find up here....... very very interesting...lol..
it turned out to be a chaos, thread got deleted i assume
[quote]引用第1楼kamikazez于2011-03-15 11:37发表的  : it turned out to be a chaos, thread got deleted i assume [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=281877&pid=6678972][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] oh really?! ok..so there was one, I was kinda shocked there wasn't anything. make sense now.. lol. thanks 和尚 for clarifying that.  
sad that I missed out, Really wanted to read what people had to say.
I don't understand how come the related threads are avoided?  It makes no sense... [s:208]
well, long words short. hatred, passion, politics, history were the main topics there....hence a havoc
[quote]引用第5楼kamikazez于2011-03-15 13:23发表的  : well, long words short. hatred, passion, politics, history were the main topics there....hence a havoc  [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=281877&pid=6679129][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] I wouldn't have expected anything different.[s:200]
[quote]引用第7楼nongyaya于2011-03-16 21:15发表的  : 都去买盐了,没时间上论坛了 [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=281877&pid=6681798][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] 他们说除了特别辣的署片, 其他的全卖光了。
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