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看看你家用的是不是Canola油 。。。感觉自己正在慢性自杀。。 

看看你家用的是不是Canola油 。。。感觉自己正在慢性自杀。。

[b]主題:[/b] Canola油的迷思與真相 [b]Canola[/b][b]油的迷思與真相[/b] [b]([/b][b]俞靜靜[/b][b]10/22/2010)[/b] [b]大約是十幾年前,市面上突然出現了一種新的烹飪油,英文叫做[/b][b]Canola Oil[/b][b]。[/b][b] [/b][b]起先只有在專賣「健康自然產品」的店裡才能看到,但是因為政府及私人公司都廣為宣傳這種油的好處:純植物提煉、不飽和性脂肪、低膽固醇、比別的植物油還理想[/b][b]…[/b][b]云云。既然連政府都這麼說,大概是不會錯了;於是乎關心自己和家人健康的朋友,都紛紛買回去做菜。它在北美洲的銷路直線上升,沒多久也引進了台灣。[/b][b] [/b][b]但是,[/b][b]Canola[/b][b]油到底是什麼東西做的呢?[/b][b] [/b][b]其他的油都可以從名字望文生義:如橄欖油,當然是橄欖的油;花生油是花生仁的油;椰子油是椰子果實的油[/b][b]…[/b][b]等等。筆者心生疑惑,查了極詳備的東華大辭典,竟然沒有這個字。[/b][b] [/b][b]去年某日,筆者重聽雷博士在四、五年前演講的錄音帶,赫然得到了答案。[/b][b] [/b][b]正巧又有一位琉璃光的朋友轉來一篇網上有關此油的文章,恰印證了雷博士所言。[/b][b] [/b][b]筆者知道有不少朋友還在用這種油,當即轉發此文給一些能看英文的朋友。[/b][b] [/b][b]數天之後,有一位本地朋友很急切的告訴我説:「好可怕啊!我們家這幾年都用[/b][b]Canola[/b][b]油,那篇文章裡講的症狀我們一家四口全有!我已經馬上換掉了!」[/b][b] [/b][b]※[/b][b] [/b][b]英文[/b][b]Canola[/b][b]一字,是從「[/b][b]Canada Oil Low Acid[/b][b]」四個字的首字母組合而成,意為「低酸加拿大油」。[/b][b] Canola[/b][b]的前身是一種叫作蕓苔([/b][b]Rape[/b][b])的植物,原生地是歐洲,俗稱歐洲油菜,屬十字花科([/b][b]Mustard Family[/b][b])。[/b][b] [/b][b]一九七[/b][b]○[/b][b]年代,加拿大的科學家把蕓苔作了基因改造,去掉裡面的糖苷([/b][b]Glycosides[/b][b],會干擾甲狀腺功能),並減少其中所含的芥子酸([/b][b]Erucic Acid[/b][b],有毒),改良出了第一代的「低芥子酸蕓苔子」[/b][b](Low Erucic Acid Rapeseed[/b][b],簡稱[/b][b]LEAR)[/b][b]。[/b][b] [/b][b]但荷蘭有研究顯示這種油會傷害心臟。[/b][b] [/b][b]這項基因改造工程持續未斷,所以也一直未有官方的長期追蹤研究報告,但是由於這個新品種油菜容易種,長得快,蟲害少[/b][b]([/b][b]蟲子退避三舍[/b][b])[/b][b],收成多,很快就變成了加拿大的主要經濟作物。[/b][b] [/b][b]加拿大人說這種基因改造的菜籽油有「二低一高」的優點-[/b][b]─[/b][b]芥子酸低、糖苷低、好的油酸([/b][b]Oleic Acid[/b][b])高,又是不飽和脂肪,真是太理想的「健康」油了,不但鼓勵自己人民吃,也不忘推銷到好鄰居美國去。[/b][b] [/b][b]一九七九年,加拿大的食用油工業決定為它改名為「[/b][b]Canola[/b][b]」,正式擺脫了「有毒蕓苔」的陰影,並凸顯加拿大之光。[/b][b] [/b][b]※加拿大人付了美國食品藥物管理局([/b][b]FDA[/b][b])五千萬美元,把[/b][b]Canola[/b][b]登記為合法,並認證為「安全」。於是美國農民也紛紛買種子回去種。樣一種經過基因變造的主要食用作物,美加政府未要求先作人體試驗,就允許其在市場上大賣,吃進老百姓的肚子。當然,這也不是頭一樁了。[/b][b] [/b][b]加拿大曾用此油作動物實驗,結果是這樣子的:[/b][b] [/b][b]老鼠的心、腎、腎上腺及甲狀腺中的脂肪產生變性和退化;而飼料中不加[/b][b]Canola[/b][b]油之後,老鼠體內這些累積的脂肪殘渣就慢慢溶解,但是在那些主要器官上留下傷痕。[/b][b] [/b][b]這是由於長鍊脂肪酸([/b][b]C22[/b][b]~[/b][b]C28[/b][b])不能為生物體吸收,累積在體內形成瘀塞,不但引發心血管問題,並且會破壞神經髓鞘([/b][b]Myelin[/b][b])。神經沒有了這個保護層,就如同家中的電線外皮剝落,是很危險的事,而[/b][b]Canola[/b][b]油正是一種長鍊脂肪酸([/b][b]C22[/b][b])。[/b][b]Canola[/b][b]油會破壞神經系統,想來是不無道理,因為在二次大戰中所使用的神經毒氣芥子氣,就是以蕓苔為原料。在令數千軍民的皮膚及肺起泡以後,早已禁用了。[/b][b] [/b][b]根據油脂專家所作的研究及觀察,食用[/b][b]Canola[/b][b]油的人出現了以下症狀[/b][b]: 1.      [/b][b]視力模糊/失明[/b][b] 2.      [/b][b]聽力減退[/b][b] 3.      [/b][b]排尿不順/困難[/b][b] 4.      [/b][b]呼吸急促/氣短[/b][b] 5.      [/b][b]心臟病/心律不整[/b][b] 6.      [/b][b]罹癌率增加[/b][b] 7.      [/b][b]便秘[/b][b] 8.      [/b][b]失眠[/b][b] 9.      [/b][b]小兒啼哭不止/嬰兒出生體重不足[/b][b] 10. [/b][b]無名的疲憊[/b][b] 11. [/b][b]干擾破壞神經系統,其產生的症狀計有:[/b][b] a. [/b][b]發抖、顫動、麻痺[/b][b] b. [/b][b]走路、寫字等動作不能協調[/b][b] c. [/b][b]口齒不清[/b][b] d. [/b][b]口水過多[/b][b] e. [/b][b]記憶及思考退化[/b][b] f. [/b][b]難以適應環境/過敏-如食物、氣味、衣物、電器、氣候冷熱變化等[/b][b] g. [/b][b]神經崩潰[/b][b] h. [/b][b]手腳末梢麻木刺痛[/b][b] i.  [/b][b]多重硬化症[/b][b] [/b][b]一九八六至一九九一年間,歐洲大量把蕓苔菜籽加在牲畜飼料裡面,結果動物的眼睛失明,而且會攻擊人。也就是在這段期間,發生了狂牛症([/b][b]Mad Cow Disease[/b][b])及羊癢病([/b][b]Scrapie[/b][b])。而歐洲自一九九一年始全面禁用蕓苔菜籽後,羊癢病就不復見,牛羊豬眼瞎、攻擊人的情況也沒有了。這是巧合嗎?[/b][b] [/b][b]儘管蕓苔已搖身一變而為[/b][b]Canola[/b][b],但是它其中的毒性仍未全消,它作為工業用潤滑油的滲透性也還在。[/b][b] [/b][b]有人作過簡單的實驗:把[/b][b]Canola[/b][b]油沾一些在布料上,用洗衣粉、清潔劑洗了三次,不但洗不掉痕漬,油漬上仍舊有油臭味。滲透力這麼強的油,到了人體裡面,會產生什麼效應呢?[/b][b] [/b][b]不僅如此,[/b][b]Canola[/b][b]油會形成乳膠狀的物質,使紅血球凝結成團。[/b][b] [/b][b]一九九七年,加拿大有一個很出名的研究,給實驗小豬的飼料裡摻了[/b][b]Canola[/b][b],結果發現其體內的維他命[/b][b]E[/b][b]值降到極低,已近危險程度。[/b][b] [/b][b]至於另一組吃黃豆油飼料的小豬,其維他命[/b][b]E[/b][b]值並未下降。因此證明[/b][b]Canola[/b][b]油會破壞體內的維他命[/b][b]E[/b][b]。次年這一研究小組又發表新的實驗結果,證實[/b][b]Canola[/b][b]油也會減少小豬體內的血小板數量,並且血小板的體積也變小了。[/b][b] [/b][b]但是,你若去網上查有關[/b][b]Canola[/b][b]油的資料,仍會發現說它好的資料多。美加的專家學者說,這些對人體的效應,在食用[/b][b]Canola[/b][b]油十年以後才會出現,所以不必太擔心[/b][b]? [/b][b]※[/b][b] [/b][b]上述僅是[/b][b]Canola[/b][b]油本身獨具的特性;除此之外,它也不免經過了一般植物油的提煉過程,才能從菜籽變成一瓶清清如水的食用油。[/b][b] [/b][b]這個過程大略是這樣子的:[/b][b] [/b][b]首先用己烷([/b][b]Hexane[/b][b])溶劑及別的化學劑將油從菜籽裡分離出來,再以華氏三百度的高溫提煉,去掉蕓苔子油天生的怪味。任何油經過這種高溫都會變質,其中的[/b][b]Omega-3[/b][b]成分因此腐壞,而產生臭味。[/b][b] [/b][b]下一步是把腐敗的[/b][b]Omega-3[/b][b]的臭味去掉,將其氫化以保持其穩定,不易「變壞」。到了這個程度,油中好的成分已破壞怠盡,只剩餘對一些人體有害的物質。[/b][b] [/b][b]所以[/b][b]Canola[/b][b]油是氫化油,其中所含的反式脂肪([/b][b]Trans-fat[/b][b])可能高達百分之四十。[/b][b] [/b][b]有關氫化油及反式脂肪會對人體造成什麼影響,在陳俊旭博士所著的「吃錯了,當然會生病」一書中講解得非常清楚。[/b][b] [/b][b]而今,[/b][b]Canola[/b][b]油已無所不在,即使你不買來燒菜,它也已經在洋芋片中、在花生醬中、在餅乾中、在餐館食物中[/b][b]…[/b][b]。如果您想避免它,那麼在選購食品時,要先看一看成份標示。有時候表上並未明列含有[/b][b]Canola[/b][b]油(或菜籽油),但是最後加了一句「[/b][b]…[/b][b]以及其他油。」那麼很可能就是[/b][b]Canola[/b][b]油了,因為它最便宜。[/b][b] [/b][b]現代飲食確是危機四伏,有政府背書的也不能全信,所幸,我們還可以用自己的知識、直覺與智慧來判斷。[/b][b] [/b][b]尚有好些健康的油可供選擇,如椰子油、橄欖油、葡萄籽油、紅花油([/b][b]Safflower Oil[/b][b])等等,但是都須冷壓榨取的才可以。其中,又以椰子油是天然的飽和性植物脂肪,所含是中鍊脂肪酸,對人體最為適宜。[/b][b] [/b][b]至於飽和脂肪及不飽和脂肪究竟誰是誰非,這又是一個誤導和迷思,有智慧的讀者們多收集一些資料,多思維之後,便不難明了其中答案。[/b][b] [/b][b]在此且引申加拿大一位環保人士托比.麥隆尼([/b][b]Toby Maloney[/b][b])的話作結尾:[/b][b] [/b][b]要改變一般大眾信以為真的事,真是不太容易。[/b][b]Canola[/b][b]油這整件事就是操控的結果[/b][b]──[/b][b]操控種子、操控農作、操控食品加工、操控期貨市場。(按:還要加上「操控大眾傳播」)[/b][b] [/b][b]而因何得以如此矇蔽大眾呢?根源就在於大多數現代人已不再親自參與食物的生產了。這才是最不健康的事。[/b][b] [/b][b]參考資料:[/b][b] 1.      Dr. Mary Enig 2.      Dr. Udo Erasmus 3.      [url=http://www.bhawkindustries.com/][color=#005eac]www.bhawkindustries.com[/color][/url] 4.      [url=http://www.ehow.com/][color=#005eac]www.ehow.com[/color][/url] 5.      [url=http://www.aspartame.ca/][color=#005eac]www.aspartame.ca[/color][/url] 6.      [url=http://www.breathing.com/][color=#005eac]www.breathing.com[/color][/url] 7.      [url=http://www.karinya.com/][color=#005eac]www.karinya.com[/color][/url] [/b]
化学解释了什么 不明白。。。。[s:179][s:179][s:179]
cao...今天刚看到 到厨房检查了一下 还真是这个名字 我妈从大统华买的,还一次买了N桶 不过我貌似目前还蛮健康的= = 不过我妈有甲状腺的问题,不会是吃这个得的吧。。草它姥姥的
[quote]引用第3楼yuyutuo于2011-01-23 22:20发表的  : 化学解释了什么 不明白。。。。[s:179][s:179][s:179] [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=275276&pid=6335499][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] 就是這篇報導是rumour.....
隨便抽兩句: --> 純植物提煉、不飽和性脂肪、低膽固醇、比別的植物油還理想 植物油怎麼可能低膽固醇??....植物油是零膽固醇....膽固醇只有存在在動物脂肪中 --> 椰子油是天然的飽和性植物脂肪,所含是中鍊脂肪酸,對人體最為適宜。 飽和性脂肪居然對人體最為適宜??....學過化學都知道不飽和脂肪才是對人體有益的吧....
[s:198][s:198]我刚看了,去检查厨房,我家也用的这种油。[s:179][s:179][s:179]在大统华买的,最近3年基本都用这个油,因为它的价格相对来说确实很实惠。我虽然不懂化学,但是我有很多症状都很象。 1我的视力最近两年确实飞速增长,我3年之前才200多,现在快500了 2去年回国体检,说我白细胞减低,血小板减少,医生说我营养不良。。。但是我一点都i不瘦,吃的也很好呀,而且只要轻轻碰撞一下,我身上就青一块紫一块的 3还有就是最近1年多才觉得,要是到吃饭的时间没吃饭,就会心跳加速,浑身出冷汗。或者情绪特别激动的时候,也觉得心跳得很厉害,喘不上气来。。。。 4以前锻炼不会觉得喘不上气,现在稍微跑一下就喘得不行了。。 5我几乎每天都吃蔬菜和水果,也喝水,但我经常便秘[s:205] 但是我不失眠 6记忆力变差,我经常出了门又会觉得门没锁,又回去看看。。。还有自己拿着钥匙,然后还去找钥匙 7难以适应环境这条也是,我要是在有暖气的地方坐了一会,又出去外面没冷气的地方呆一会,再去到有温暖的地方,就打喷嚏打个不停,还流鼻涕,要半小时左右才能恢复。。。。 8我在电脑面前玩游戏保持一个姿势久了,手或脚会麻。。。。 我是不是也中毒了呀????如果去验血,专门验血里的特定的化学物质含量,不知道能否验得出来。。。。???[s:198][s:198]
太恐怖了~ 这个帖子一定要顶起来,大家都来关注一下

英文好的可以看一下老外对于CANOLA OIL的看法

CANOLA OIL REPORT Found on [url]http://www.braintherapy.com/canola.htm[/url] The following is adapted from reportage beginning in 1996 by Tom Valentine under the trade names of Search for Health and True Health based in Naples, Florida. Carotec Inc., 941.353.2348. And Maryland based Mary Enig, Ph.D., who is the world authority on palm and coconut oils, and transfatty acids. A search for Enig will turn up dozens of citations including her own website. It has been very much in vogue in health food circles to praise Canola oil as very healthy oil-high in polyunsaturates, while condemning tropical oils such as coconut or palm oil as being saturated and unhealthy. The high praise for Canola is propaganda put forth by the Canadian government because "can-ola," a hybridized rape plant, is one of that nation's chief export products. Rapeseed oil contains toxic erucic acid. Canola has much less erucic acid in it. Health food store operators parrot the hype without checking any facts. Consumers search out various products with Canola oil in them because they believe this is somehow much healthier than other oils. All food grade Canola, including the varieties sold in health food stores, are deodorized from its natural terrible stink with 300 degree F. high-temperature refining. You cannot cook a vegetable oil at that temperature and leave behind anything much edible. Research at the University of Florida- Gainsesville, determined that as much as 4.6% of all the fatty acids in Canola are "trans" isomers (plastic) due to the refining process. Contrary to popular opinion, saturated fats, especially those found in coconut oil are not harmful to health, but are important nutrition. There are no trans isomers in unrefined coconut butter, for example. This refers to many published research papers by Mary Enig, Ph.D. that refutes all the establishment propaganda condemning saturated fats. In 1996, the Japanese announced a study wherein a special Canola oil diet had actually killed laboratory animals. Reacting to this unpublished, but verified and startling information, a duplicate study was conducted by Canadian scientists using piglets and a Canola oil based milk replacer diet. In this second study published in Nutrition Research, 1997, v17, the researchers verified that Canola oil somehow depleted the piglets of vitamin E to a dangerously low level. In the abstract of the study, the Canadian researchers made the following remarkable statement: It is known that ingestion of oils containing polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) of the n-3 and n -6 series results in a high degree of unsaturation in membrane phospholipids, which in turn may increase lipid peroxidation, cholesterol oxidation, free radical accumulation and membrane damage. All very bad attributes. That statement is remarkable because PUFA is considered essential to a healthy diet. Yet none of the above listed results of eating it may be considered healthy. So now we have something seemingly brand new to the dietary health arena. Here the Canadians are condemning any oil that contains essential fatty acids. EFAs cannot stand heat. They turn rancid quickly. Proper processing, i.e., cold pressing, and protection from oxygen for storage is paramount with EFAs. Mainstream toxic commercial food making requires complete removal of EFAs lest shelf life disappear in smelly rancidity. Absent the removal of EFAs, few manufactured toxic chemical foods would make it out of the warehouse. So, here we have Canadians telling us that their country's main oil export kills little animals. They suggest that perhaps it was the health giving EFAs left in the Canola oil after it had been scorched at temperatures above 300 degrees Fahrenheit to get rid of the EFAs. They don't tell you that whatever EFAs are left in the oil, are now poisonous rancid fats. It may be that the now toxic remnants are what's killing the vitamin E, and killing the little piggies. I think the Canadians produced that deceptive half truth to protect their careers from grant drought. Firstly, the idea of something depleting vitamin E rapidly is an alarming development. Vitamin E is absolutely essential to human health, and when so much PUFA is available to diet as it is today, the demand evidently becomes even more imperative because tocopherols control the lipid peroxidation that results in dangerous free radical activity, which causes lesions in arteries and other problems. Canola oil now has been shown to be a very heavy abuser of tocopherols or vitamin E, with the potential for rapidly depleting a body of the important vitamin. The researchers did not know what factors in the Canola oil were responsible. They reported that other vegetable seed oils did not appear to cause the same problem in piglets. Genetically Manipulated Canola Seed Gets Loose In The Fields Monsanto announced in April 1997, that it was recalling genetically engineered Canola seed because an unapproved gene slipped into the batch by mistake. The Canola seed had been genetically manipulated to resist the herbicide toxicity of Roundup, which is Monsanto's top money making product. The recall involved 60,000 bags containing two types of Canola seed, which is enough to plant more than 700,000 acres. Both types of seed have the wrong gene in them. The genes in the recalled seed have not been approved for human consumption. A spokesman for Limagrain Canada Seeds, which was selling the seeds under a Monsanto license, said that experts are trying to determine how the mistake occurred. We may never know how this happened he lamented. The implications of this error are serious. No one in his right mind is unconcerned about genetic manipulations getting lost. On January 26, 1998 Omega Nutrition, one of the major producers of organic, cold pressed oils for the health food store market published a press release. The release states that if you are cooking with Canola oil of any quality, you might as well be using margarine. In the case of refined Canola oil, the important health benefits have been processed away- leaving the consumer with the nutrition of say, white flour- and, dangerous trans-fatty acids have replaced a lot of the beneficial omega 3 essential fatty acids. Oils high in omega 3 are not capable of taking high temperatures. Heating Canola distorts the fatty acid turning it into an unnatural form of trans fatty acid that has been shown to be harmful to health. SUMMARY According to Mary Enig, unrefined coconut oil is safe to use in cooking. Finding it is not so easy as a result of the American establishment's highly successful attack on all imported palm and coconut oils. Udo Erasmus, Ph.D., another highly regarded international expert on fats and oils, says both are the same. They are named for their physical state at room temperature. Udo says the only safe oil to use to fry or bake with, is water. He says no fat can stand the temperatures used in food processing without being adversely affected. MARGARINE isn't raised as an issue on those pages. So I will make a brief statement here about it. (Oleo) Margarine isn't food. It is a manufactured grease concocted in a machine from various oils and chemicals. Canola and soy fats (oils) are in nearly all margarines. This butter substitute does not exist in nature. It cannot be grown or converted from a natural food as butter and cheese is. It was invented to win a prize when Napolean III was surrounded and ran a contest for a palatable grease for his otherwise dry bread. Most restaurants substitute it for butter without notice to you. Commercially manufactured ingestables use margarine wherever Canola cannot be used in their recipe that otherwise would use butter. There are licensed dieticians and physicians who, in total ignorance, will sincerely urge you to eat this poison in pursuit of better health. The usual canard is, "It will reduce your cholesterol levels." which is yet another awesome fraud and completely false. Partially hydrogenated oils- trans-fatty acids, are always poisonous. Mary Enig's original laboratory research is currently the world's standard for understanding the basis for the foregoing statement. Cooks and chefs working recipes that call for shortening or fats input will have to find coconut oil or use saturated animal fat if they are interested in producing something other than poison. I don't eat restaurant food.
CANOLA OIL Deadly for the Human Body! Beware of Canola Oil, it is an Industrial Oil, not fit For human consumption. (Thank goodness for alternative medicine sites getting out the true facts, but of course, they are not funded by industry.) S U M M A R Y Before you read the following article, here is a summary of a few facts regarding Canola Oil: It is genetically engineered Rapeseed. Canada paid the FDA the sum of $50 million to have rape registered and recognized as "safe". (Source: Young Again and others) Rapeseed is a lubricating oil used by small industry. It has never been meant for human consumption. It is derived from the mustard family and is considered a toxic and poisonous weed, which when processed, becomes rancid very quickly. It has been shown to cause lung cancer (Wall Street Journal: 6/7/95) It is very inexpensive to grow and harvest. Insects won't eat it. Some typical and possible side effects include loss of vision, disruption of the central nervous system, respiratory illness, anemia, constipation, increased incidence of heart disease and cancer, low birth weights in infants and irritability. Generally Rapeseed has a cumulative effect, taking almost 10 years before symptoms begin to manifest. It has a tendency to inhibit proper metabolism of foods and prohibits normal enzyme function. Canola is a Trans Fatty Acid, which has shown to have a direct link to cancer. These Trans Fatty acids are labeled as hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils. Avoid all of them! According to John Thomas' book, Young Again, 12 years ago in England and Europe, rape seed was fed to cows, pigs and sheep who later went blind and began attacking people. There were no further attacks after the rape seed was eliminated from the diet. Source: David Dancu, N.D. By Jim Lynn, Essential Oils It's amazing to me...The more research I do, the more I see a relationship between the food we eat and fatal diseases. Canola oil is no exception. Readers of EOO are familiar with the meat industry practice of feeding rendered meat "by-products" to cattle and poultry (EOO #015), and the suspected relationship of Mad Cow Disease to CJD and Alzheimer's Disease (EOO #016). Now comes information that Canola Oil is the suspected causative agent for Scrapie, a viral disease transmitted to cattle who were fed rendered sheep infected with Scrapie. Both Scrapie and Mad Cow Disease destroy the brain's ability to function. They literally eat the brain away, causing blindness, loss of mind and erratic behavior. Canola oil's real name is "LEAR" oil (Low Erucic Acid Rape). it is more commonly known as "rape oil," a semi-drying oil that is used as a lubricant, fuel, soap and synthetic rubber base, and as an illuminant to give color pages in magazines their slick look. In short it is an industrial oil that does not belong in the human body. It is typically referred to in light industry as a penetrating oil. Back in the 1980's, rape oil was widely used in animal feeds in England and throughout Europe. It was banned in 1991. Since then, Scrapie in sheep has totally disappeared. While that's good for Europeans, it is bad for Americans because the problem is now ours. Rape seed oil (Canola oil) is widely used in thousands of processed foods...with the blessings of our own government. Canola oil was first developed in Canada. It's proponents claim that due to genetic engineering and irradiation, it is no longer rape oil, but "Canola" (Canadian oil). They also claim it is completely safe, pointing to it's unsaturated structure and digestibility. Although, I could not verify it, it is claimed the Canadian government paid the FDA the sum of $50 million dollars to have Canola oil placed on the GRAS list (Generally Recognized As Safe). However it was done, a new industry was created. The truth is however, that rape is the most toxic of all food oil plants. Not even insects will eat it. No wonder farmers like growing it. It turns out that rape is a member of the mustard family of plants, and is the source for the chemical agent, mustard gas, which causes blistering on skin and lungs when inhaled. Mustard Gas was banned after WWI for this very reason. Studies of Canola oil done on rats indicate many problems. Rats developed fatty degeneration of heart, kidney, adrenals and thyroid gland. When the Canola oil was withdrawn from their diet, the deposits dissolved, but scar tissue remained on the organs. Why were no studies done on humans before the FDA placed it on the GRAS list? Consumed in food, Canola oil depresses the immune system, causing it to "go to sleep." Canola oil is high in glycosides which cause health problems by blocking (inhibiting) enzyme function. it's effects are accumulative, taking years to show up. One possible effect of long term use is the destruction of the protective coating surrounding nerves called the myelin sheath. When this protective sheath is gone, our nerves short-circuit causing erratic, uncontrollable movements. To test the industrial penetrating strength of Canola oil, soak a towel in both Canola oil and regular vegetable oil. Pre-treat and wash the towel in your clothes washer and compare the area the two oils occupied...you will notice an oil stain remains on the area soaked in Canola oil. It is so durable, it could take several washings to completely remove. Now if this is how Canola oil penetrates the fabric of a towel, what damage can it do in your body? Because Canola oil is so cheap, it is now widely used in the food industry. If you are curious, just read a few food labels the next time you are in the grocery store. A good example can be found with commercially prepared peanut butter. In order to give peanut butter it's spreadability, Jiffy, Peter Pan and Skippy brands remove ALL of the natural peanut oil and replace it with Canola oil. Natural peanut butter should only have peanuts and salt listed in the ingredients. If you want to use natural peanut butter, it's available in most stores next to the Canola peanut butter. Stir the contents to mix the oil and peanuts together then store in the refrigerator. The cold temperature will prevent the peanut oil from separating. Best of all, you will have eliminated at least one source of a potential food hazard. Food consumers have headaches enough, without worrying about a toxic plant oil being added to their food. The problem is you will find Canola oil in bread, margarines, and all manner of processed foods including potato chips. But the consumer is king. Be informed and make it a practice to read the package ingredients label as to what is in the food. Avoid using Canola as a cooking oil and salad oil. It is not a healthy oil. Safflower, Sunflower and Coconut oils are much better. Resources: Perceptions, Aug/Sep 96 issue, The Great Canola Debate Perceptions, Nov/Dec 95 issue, The Devil's Bargain Book, Fats That Heal and Fats That Kill, by Udo Erasmus © 1998 Leeuwen-Smith Associates LLC
别蒙人了 神马都是浮云了 大家也不要乱信一些没根据的acadamic article 要是有安全问题,加拿大是食品安全局早就查了
谁相信这种跳大神的文章就是。。。此处省略3个字。。。 请问所谓的 reference 有一个是具有任何学术权威的么??? 97年加拿大有名的试验,我学science的也木有听过啊??? 还40% trans fat, 确定不是0。4%??!!! 靠,0。4% 能被放大100倍说成 40%, 居心诡异啊!
[quote]引用第10楼622于2011-01-29 00:09发表的 : [s:198] [s:198] 我刚看了,去检查厨房,我家也用的这种油。[s:179] [s:179] [s:179] 在大统华买的,最近3年基本都用这个油,因为它的价格相对来说确实很实惠。我虽然不懂化学,但是我有很多症状都很象。 1我的视力最近两年确实飞速增长,我3年之前才200多,现在快500了 2去年回国体检,说我白细胞减低,血小板减少,医生说我营养不良。。。但是我一点都i不瘦,吃的也很好呀,而且只要轻轻碰撞一下,我身上就青一块紫一块的 ....... [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=275276&pid=6381440][img]/club/p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] 亲爱的,你说的这些症状跟吃神马油都没有关系,都是浮云。。。。。。 1。 你确定不是用眼不正确吗?长时间的看电脑电视书籍,不注意用眼卫生放松保健?。。。。。。。 2。 瘦不瘦跟营养木有关系。。。。。。。有的人瘦是精壮,有的人胖是虚胖。。。。。。吃得好不代表吃的健康,天天吃鱼翅燕窝也会得病的。。。。。。平时注意饮食+运动,饮食要注意五谷平衡,精细的米面吃得多没有粗粮好,还有水果蔬菜要多吃~~~  多运动也能提高免疫力~~~ 3。 正常现象。。。规律饮食非常重要。 我爸年轻时老不吃早餐,后面胃都快穿孔了呢。。。。。。人要特别激动心跳还不加快的话。。。。。考虑一下是不是有异能。。。。。。 4。那是运动量的问题,是不是比以前锻炼少了?不那么活泼好动了? 想当年我可以轻易一分钟做50多个仰卧起坐,连续几十个俯卧撑,现在。。。。。能做20各就不错了。。。。 5。多吃蔬菜水果是好的,不过并不是神马蔬果都通便。。。。。。纤维多或者香蕉这种润肠的才是。而且就算多吃蔬果油腻的东西吃得多也容易便秘。还有运动也能帮助大肠蠕动~~~ 每天早上一杯蜂蜜水或者盐水,一天喝够5,6杯水,是不是吃些香蕉酸奶,多运动,吃清淡点,向便秘都非常难。。。。。 6。那不是记忆力问题,这有点强迫症的症状,是心理范畴。。。。。。我也会这样~~~ 7。气温突变确实比较容易不适应,每个人不一样。 每天用手捧冷水吸进鼻腔里再喷出来,弄个几分钟,对鼻子鼻烟都很好~~~ 8。 一个姿势坐久了不麻才怪。。。。。。我要蹲马桶蹲个半小时一小时,我也麻到轻碰一下都酸麻不已的程度。。。 中毒不至于,但不注重健康生活的话,多多少少都会有毒素积累在人的身体里的。。。建议你担心的话多看看中医的养生之道,很好~~~ 养生说白了就是健康饮食+运动+规律生活,就这么简单~~~
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