抱歉,我不會鍵入漢語, but i am chinese and speak chinese.
i can see many people are interested in badminton in this forum, why don't we come out and play this friday night.
Where: Aces badminton Centre ---> [url]http://www.acebadmintoncentre.com/index.php?sc=home&pg=home[/url]
When: 10th Dec. Friday night 10:00pm-1am (you can leave early if it's too late or tiring for you.)
Cost: it's $6.5 drop-in / person
Who: i try to make this a VanSky event so i hope members or member's frds could come out and meet new frds.
0. name, gender, level (beginner, intermiediate, advanced, professional)
1.Perry, man, intermediate
P.S. I am hoping to get at least 6-8 members, or event will be cancelled.