想認識對愛情認真, 最好講廣東話既女仔 (25 or younger)
現在讀書 (2011 讀完) + 做 part time
我 26 歲﹐從香港來左 Vancouver 十幾年
痴家﹐唔蒲 ﹐脾氣好
講廣東話﹐英文﹐國語 (唔流利﹐但可以講)
5"6, 136 Lb
No religion
My dream girl:
痴家 same as me
唔食煙 same as me
鐘意女仔會煮野食﹐but u don't have to know how to cook
Ok to have religion, but not an enthusiast
That's all I can think of for now
Most importantly, chemistry for each other, yeah!!!