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开学了,又忙了.又老了. 母亲大人已经明显递增了关心我感情生活的频率.每次我也只能打哈哈混过去. 娘,你女儿不是嫁不出去的人. 以前朋友之间讨论的,都是谁谁谁谈恋爱了.现在讨论的是,股票,政治,房产,学校. 仿佛我的时间一下被其他的事情掏空了,连车都懒得洗...(儿子T^T娘对不起你..) 照顾猫公主,做做义工,听听歌拍拍照.上课,看书,写作业.充实. 今天下雨,义工路上看到一对小情侣,高中模样,打一把伞,女生穿着男生的外套,笑得真开心. 心底发出的是由衷的微笑,不再是往日夹杂着羡慕和渴望. 一个人的日子也挺好. 只是心里总有那么一点点地方,在不经意的地点被不经意的人,狠狠的撞击. 像inception里,面海崩溃的空城,我还是那么无能为力. 那个模糊的影子就像电影中的女主角,深深地深深地蜷缩在我轻易回不到的地方. 而我,就像那个混淆了现实和梦境的男人.梦里,周遭,都带着你的气息. You are in the air when I breathe. 想想从前癫狂的日子.喝酒,躺马路,和陌生人抱着哭,一切一切痛的那么真实,痛的让我以为,这就是我一辈子的锁. 其实也就如此过了. 不论是尚在身边,还是相隔忘川.都已经成为了我生命的一部分.带着它们生活,带着它们死去. 有什么是无法释怀的呢. 人生苦短.我已经为你苦了这么些年,我要用剩下的时间去偿还其他人的债啊,我的朋友,我的爸妈,我未来的爱人. 我的心总是比我的人快上几年.每当有人问我多大,得到的是21,总惹来一阵惊叹,还小,真年轻.其实我真的很讨厌别人说我小. 我做过测试,我心理年龄 is 28. 一个28岁的女人的心,盛放在一具21岁的躯壳里.年轻又苍老.我本身就是一个矛盾体. 都是拜回忆所赐.我长大了,或许太快,快到我还来不及享受20出头的快乐.那种不顾一切无忧无虑想爱就爱的快乐. 有过,只是好遥远了. 总是感叹自己的人生淡定了.可是我知道,自己心里还是有小小的期待,期待有人能看透我这个奇怪的矛盾体.期待有个人能许诺照顾我一辈子. 又是一年阴雨时,唉. 我是老了罢...
个人觉得心理测验不太准确,我测试过,48 看来很多有人 Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), also known as winter depression or winter blues, is a mood disorder in which people who have normal mental health throughout most of the year experience depressive symptoms in the winter or, less frequently, in the summer,[1] spring or autumn, repeatedly, year after year.
[quote]引用第1楼浪漫purple于2010-09-12 23:49发表的  : 个人觉得心理测验不太准确,我测试过,48 看来很多有人 Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), also known as winter depression or winter blues, is a mood disorder in which people who have normal mental health throughout most of the year experience depressive symptoms in the winter or, less frequently, in the summer,[1] spring or autumn, repeatedly, year after year. [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=260073&pid=6000668][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] 我觉得我的还蛮准的。。很多人说我不像20的小姑娘。。。 SAD,i like it. im a psyco...!! i should have a sign saying "keep your distance, dangerous to the public"..lol
我们都是早熟的孩子.......但是这个背后都有一定的代价的,.............冷暖自知, [url]/club/read.php?tid=259779[/url]
也不知道早点明白是好还是不好。 多了一份防备,多了一份周密。 少了一份天真,少了一些单纯的爱。
随缘吧~ 概念 想法都是自己给自己的 换换思路换换角度去看问题 想问题 也就那么回事   这就是生活
那你觉得晚熟好还是不好呢?这个问题我早已经参透了 早熟确实会失去很多应本我们这个年纪有的纯真快乐, 不应该这么防备的过日子 多了一份周密 却让我们更早明白 很多现实 很多知识 换不来的 只能这么想,我们比别人走快了几步...... 当别人还在愁我们17岁愁得事情的时候,我们却能比别人多担待点责任 早点学会游戏规则,就能更快的成为王者
[quote]引用第6楼浪漫purple于2010-09-13 00:21发表的  : 那你觉得晚熟好还是不好呢?这个问题我早已经参透了 早熟确实会失去很多应本我们这个年纪有的纯真快乐, 不应该这么防备的过日子 多了一份周密 却让我们更早明白 很多现实 很多知识 换不来的 ....... [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=260073&pid=6000735][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] I will just hope so...feeling a little bit tired of my life..
[quote]引用第7楼液宫、⒗浅于2010-09-13 00:27发表的  : I will just hope so...feeling a little bit tired of my life.. [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=260073&pid=6000743][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] 曾经何时,我也厌倦了生活,我也想试着任性的不长大 可惜,可是,可能,最后,还是,接受 不满意自己的生活要自己去改变吧,抱怨不会让任何烦事变走de
人总是在困难和挫折中长大。。。 有人会希望自己长不大   永远做个无忧无虑的孩子 有人却希望自己赶紧成熟起来    可以面对一切困难 我不比lz大多少    但是我却知道    人还是要长大的比较好 因为不会再有懵懂无知的时候     感情永远让人受尽悲伤 所以还是一切顺其自然的好 是你的跑不了     不是你的 强求不了
And I thought I was the only one feeling emotional in a rainy night. 写得非常好。 21 going on 28 isn't a bad thing - you've got the attractive looks of a 21, and a sophisticated mind of a 28.  Now that's quite a package.
[quote]引用第8楼浪漫purple于2010-09-13 00:34发表的  : 曾经何时,我也厌倦了生活,我也想试着任性的不长大 可惜,可是,可能,最后,还是,接受 ....... [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=260073&pid=6000757][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] this tired was 累 not 厌倦...有时候真的觉得自己是不是承担的太多.看看其他20岁出头的孩子,总是会叹气. 小时候希望快点长大,长大了,终于知道,这不是什么好玩的事情.
[quote]引用第10楼fairladyz于2010-09-13 06:22发表的  : And I thought I was the only one feeling emotional in a rainy night. 写得非常好。 21 going on 28 isn't a bad thing - you've got the attractive looks of a 21, and a sophisticated mind of a 28.  Now that's quite a package. [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=260073&pid=6000966][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] LOL,does anyone find me attractive...I might not be sitting here and typing these SAD words.. I just hope in the next following 5 years, I could find someone to marry, and he would be happy to marry me. BUT, it doesn't seem easy....am I too tall....?! or what...?! Well..I know it's my own problem..mental problem.. somehow, that man has to be strong enough to get me going..>.<I think many people are great, but that is not enough to start a relationship.. its a first sight thing...and he has to let me have the faith.. PS. u get up quiite early.me school, u work? see, thats what we gotta pay to grow up, no sleep-in..!!!
[quote]引用第12楼液宫、⒗浅于2010-09-13 06:38发表的 : LOL,does anyone find me attractive...I might not be sitting here and typing these SAD words.. I just hope in the next following 5 years, I could find someone to marry, and he would be happy to marry me. BUT, it doesn't seem easy....am I too tall....?! or what...?! Well..I know it's my own problem..mental problem.. somehow, that man has to be strong enough to get me going..>.<I think many people are great, but that is not enough to start a relationship.. its a first sight thing...and he has to let me have the faith.. PS. u get up quiite early.me school, u work? see, thats what we gotta pay to grow up, no sleep-in..!!! ....... [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=260073&pid=6000978][img]/club/p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] LOL, this made me laugh. #1 I get up @ 6 and reach Work @ 7, everyday. #2 What surprised me was [b]you[/b] getting up this early, also. #3 I wouldn't complain about being tall - most people tend to worry about being the alternative.  If I must be veritcally challenged, I'd rather be on the North side, LOL. #4 You and I seem to suffer from 1 common problem------if that's a problem in the first place------that we have rather high criteria.  This isn't necessarily a bad thing.  Yes it might take us longer to be paired up, but no, at least we don't end up with some boring and plain people, thus living a boring and plain life. #5 Last, but no the least.  If you really contemplate on our situation, we are not exactly in bad shape.  There are people out there who are UNhappily married, and there's not a damn thing they could do about it.  At least you and I are perfectly single, and have a 50% shot that we could make it, LOL
[quote]引用第11楼液宫、⒗浅于2010-09-13 06:32发表的  : this tired was 累 not 厌倦...有时候真的觉得自己是不是承担的太多.看看其他20岁出头的孩子,总是会叹气. 小时候希望快点长大,长大了,终于知道,这不是什么好玩的事情. [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=260073&pid=6000975][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] 我觉得我白头发应该比你的多..........................哈哈 既来之,则安之 WOW, 一个比一个起的早.................Are we all suffering from SAD?
[quote]引用第13楼fairladyz于2010-09-13 06:56发表的  : LOL, this made me laugh. ....... [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=260073&pid=6000996][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] Laughing is good to health. gee...u work @ 7am?!?! was it suppose to be at least 8.30?! painful..! especially in winter..!! I get up @ 7.30 ,school is @ 9 but a little bit far... Being tall is not a every good thing to girls..but whatever.. at least I can put on more weight without being noticed..LOL!! I guess we just have to wait, dun know how long, but that person will show up. time to go, talk later when I get to school..then its....IPHONE time..~~! LOL!! PS. my cat keeps meowing when I trying to type.. she is saying..time to go sister!! go to school!!!= =...that was translated by my mom...= =...
[quote]引用第12楼液宫、⒗浅于2010-09-13 06:38发表的  : LOL,does anyone find me attractive...I might not be sitting here and typing these SAD words.. I just hope in the next following 5 years, I could find someone to marry, and he would be happy to marry me. ....... [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=260073&pid=6000978][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] 我觉得你对你自己太严厉了 你要换个角度想早熟这件事情 每件事情都有好的一面吧 早点学会多担待不好么 这也成为你的条件之一,成熟稳重 既来之,则安之 一般的男人都想找个高一点, 这样对他们的下一代基因比较好 明明就是你可以附带的条件之一
[quote]引用第14楼浪漫purple于2010-09-13 07:04发表的 : WOW, 一个比一个起的早.................Are we all suffering from SAD? ....... [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=260073&pid=6000999][img]/club/p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] LOL, some of us have to work, others have schools to attend to.
[quote]引用第17楼fairladyz于2010-09-13 07:14发表的  : LOL, some of us have to work, others have schools to attend to. [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=260073&pid=6001005][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] Or maybe just me ,I woke up at 7:15 and  ,but my school doesn't start until 10 even though i need to spend an hour on the bus and skytrain,
So sad today....... >.< [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AE1OUF6Mrdk[/url]
[quote]引用第15楼液宫、⒗浅于2010-09-13 07:06发表的 : Laughing is good to health. gee...u work @ 7am?!?! was it suppose to be at least 8.30?! painful..! especially in winter..!! I get up @ 7.30 ,school is @ 9 but a little bit far... Being tall is not a every good thing to girls..but whatever.. at least I can put on more weight without being noticed..LOL!! I guess we just have to wait, dun know how long, but that person will show up. time to go, talk later when I get to school..then its....IPHONE time..~~! LOL!! PS. my cat keeps meowing when I trying to type.. she is saying..time to go sister!! go to school!!!= =...that was translated by my mom...= =... ....... [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=260073&pid=6001000][img]/club/p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] LOL this conversation is heading OT. #1 One of my staff starts @ 7:30AM, it's only nature that I show up before he does. #2 Considering your height, you'll just have keep your eyes open for a tall[b]er[/b] guy.  That shouldn't be difficult, as tall people tend stick out among the crowd XD #3 Before the iPhone 4 came out, I was highly anticipating to get a white one.  But I tend to research before picking up any tech iterms, and regular readings of TUAW revealed a series of issues with Apple's latest talking device. I will wait until they fix all the issues with white balance, approximity sensor and of course, the now world-famous grip-of-death. #4 Your mom is hilarious!  I've been wanting to get a Husky, but my rather tight schedule allows just enough time to Drift, and not enough time to Pet, LOL
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