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SFU Math 308 and Econ 103 D100 

SFU Math 308 and Econ 103 D100

SFU Math 308 and Econ 103 D100 找同學!!!
你有math 308的outline没?能不能让我看看?这门难不?
你有math 308的outline没?能不能让我看看?这门难不?
他沒有給 outline! I heard it's easy!~ Y not u come to class tomolo and see how it goes?
刚选了MATH 308 明天去听听。
好! 明天見!
nobody??? [s:199][s:199]
我拿的是math310 我不知道310和308 哪个简单,就随便拿了一个。 现在没法改了吧 ><
I found 310 hard. But maybe just me! ~ no worrie ~ u will do fine! ~ [s:201]
Classmatessssss [s:198][s:198] come come!~!~
103 D100 是allen 的么?
Nono!~ 是Myer!
呵呵  那加油吧  日子不会过的太坏的 : )  103是我在SFU 5年里感觉学起来有点累但是唯一学到东西的一门课..
Reli! ~but it's reli bored to sit it class! ~ :( And i found he is tryin to stuff us with a lot of information, thou they are gettin interesting... Hope it will get better soon! ~
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