小狗在电梯里小便了我没有清理 被投诉了 怎么办 哎
我刚才发这个贴 好像发错版面了 请问大家有类似的经验吗 council要我回信解释到底什么意图啊 我英文也不好 哎
我住公寓,家人买的房子。 前段时间我家狗忽然在电梯里尿了当时我不知道如何是好 没经验 身上也没带纸 也没清理就出电梯了 后来又发生一次 是我不好 懒了一下 以为有大楼清理员 每个月给那么多管理费$200 叫清洁工清理就好 结果遇到大楼经理 他说录像看到我的狗在电梯里小便 下次不可以 不然要罚钱200块 我说好的下次不会了
可是今天忽然又收到COUNCIL通过管理公司发来的信 信上写的可正规了 说要求我在14天内回信 承认或纠正居委会的指控 也可以要求听便会反驳 信上还说大楼里有录像 而且会留档 也没说要罚钱
这到底是怎么回事啊 我的问题是如果他们留档的话 有什么意义啊 会有什么影响 我以后卖房子会影响房价吗 ??? 实在是搞不懂 还是他们会叫我搬走??? 不准我狗住在这里了??
信是这么写的 :
Council has instructed me to inform u of a recent allgation brought against ur strata lot. allegation involving a dog urinating in the elevator. As you probably know, council has installed video cameras in the elevator adn these allegations are properly documented. In case these alllegations are not accurate, please let council know in writiting at ur earliest convenience.
In case these allegations are accurate, council is asking that u ensure that ur dog is properly trained as to refrain from urinating on the strata common property.
Pursuant to section 135 of the strata property act. you are hereby given an opp to answer the complaint in writing. including the right to requested a hearing if u wish so. a response must b received within 14 days from the date of the letter. should u fail to respond within the time limit set out, concil eill msk s frvidion on this matter as it considers appropriate.