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我想死你了, 你为什么要离开我啊.... 

我想死你了, 你为什么要离开我啊....

一天一天的过去了, 我已经想不起上次我们在一起的情景了, 上次我听到你的声音, 上次我用双手抱着你的感觉, 在这个茫茫的世界里, 独一无二的你默默的从我的世界消失... 我今天心情好差, 我今天好想你, 我好希望我们可以像以前一样, 一起去美国游山玩水, 一起去海边陪我看海, 一起度过晚上, 你是第一个给过我"快感"的, 我好想你.... 我好希望...在一次...和你, 抛开所有不开心的事....和你一起.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 加满油, 在长长直直的路上....让你张开你的翅膀...再一次的..带给我你独特的快感... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [img]http://www.sfu.ca/%7Ecjs9/Pictures/240/029.JPG[/img] 虽然你已经不在这个世界里了...但是你永远会在我的心里...我想你了...知道吗? 我心爱的... 240SX
Man. I could imagine how you'd feel.  To rid me off my Z is like to rid me of my Soul.
[quote]引用楼主darkscythe于2010-07-26 20:15发表的 我想死你了, 你为什么要离开我啊.... : 一天一天的过去了, 我已经想不起上次我们在一起的情景了, 上次我听到你的声音, 上次我用双手抱着你的感觉, 在这个茫茫的世界里, 独一无二的你默默的从我的世界消失... 我今天心情好差, 我今天好想你, 我好希望我们可以像以前一样, 一起去美国游山玩水, 一起去海边陪我看海, 一起度过晚上, 你是第一个给过我"快感"的, 我好想你.... 我好希望...在一次...和你, 抛开所有不开心的事....和你一起.... . ....... [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=254684&pid=tpc][img]/club/p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] dude, u need to get laid proto
steering wheel lock is important...
See, I thought...
想到你的车,我就觉得,你是个NOOB ,嗯嗯,
ya ur car is not far away from 250 [s:191][s:192]
[s:189][s:190]  kamikaze...你给我小心点...别以为我对一个吃肉的和尚没办法!!!!
哈哈 我就知道不是在想念人~~
[quote]引用第9楼darkscythe于2010-07-27 08:21发表的 : [s:189] [s:190]   kamikaze...你给我小心点...别以为我对一个吃肉的和尚没办法!!!! [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=254684&pid=5898226][img]/club/p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] Just feel lucky that he didn't made the reference to S13. 13 isn't exactly any better than 250, especially in 上海话。
he just jelous cuz that car will  run circles around his pityful ralliart i will wait and see how he can mock the BNR34
hey i like 13 13=1+3=one+three=wan sui=long live i bought my car specifically on nov 13, the black friday, since its a black car, i named it Friday [s:191][s:192] see, i can make any ordinary things joyful, no need to be jealous on stuff thats no belong to me la~~~life is good, make love, no war~~heihei
lol hahahaha
[quote]引用第1楼fairladyz于2010-07-26 20:19发表的  : Man. I could imagine how you'd feel.  To rid me off my Z is like to rid me of my Soul. [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=254684&pid=5897361][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] unless you are trading it in for a m3....
[quote]引用第13楼kamikazez于2010-07-27 09:09发表的  : hey i like 13 13=1+3=one+three=wan sui=long live i bought my car specifically on nov 13, the black friday, since its a black car, i named it Friday [s:191] [s:192] ....... [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=254684&pid=5898309][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] lol. that's a cute name~~~ my car's name is Mini Porter, cuz my bestfriend went with me when I got my car and his use to have a A4 and a navi( he sold the A4 for somehting else but he still have the navi) he calls his A4 the transporter so i call his navi "big porter" so i named mine "Mini Porter" my next car is gonna be called Snow Flake picking it up on my birthday .[s:197]
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