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想问下各位SFU里面的TechOne program的问题 

想问下各位SFU里面的TechOne program的问题

我之前申请的是SFU 今年9月份的Visual Art, 被录了后查课的时候发现自己更喜欢的是Interactive Art & technology 这个专业 于是申请了转专业,可是今天收到邮件说是IAT的专业名额已经满了,推荐我去 TechOne program 原话如下: [size=3][color=#1f497d][font=tahoma]I have just heard back from our Interactive Arts and Technology advisor and unfortunately the program is full and they are not accepting any program changes. However, our TechOne program which is the first year cohort program that all Interactive Arts and Technology students take in their first year, does have an opening. The TechOne program is cohort program based in Surrey which basically means that you will take 2 or 3 core courses in the Fall and Spring semester of your first year with the same small group of students. Again, this program is taken by all first year Interactive Arts and Technology students, so it would be a good way for you to start, and then you will be able to transfer into Interactive Arts and Technology after a year or so. [/font][/color][/size] [size=2]这个program怎样?转入正式的专业会不会很难???还是说呆在原来的专业再转专业会比较好??? [/size] [size=2]谢谢解答!!! [/size]
哦,这样啊~慎重考虑下,再看看有没有清楚TechOne program的人... Up Up
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