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Richmond 流行街舞課(  New location) 

Richmond 流行街舞課(  New location)

[b][size=3]as toooo many people required, class in richmond already started[/size] [color=#0000ff][size=4]每週五晚上815-915pm [/size][/color][/b][color=#0000ff][size=4] [/size][/color][b][color=#0000ff][size=4]週日from june 6th 11:30-12:30pm[/size][/color] [size=3]location: Borealis, facing parker place[/size][/b] [b][font=arial][size=5][color=#ff0000]260-4351 No. 3 Rd Richmond[/color][/size][/font] more information contact 778 863 0815[/b]
有什麼舞啊 ? is there Intro New Jazz ?
oh nvm. i see that it is only korean mv dance now.
應該有bus,因為還有很多其他的小女生,如果開車5分鐘到no 3 rd.
those dance  we can say belong to intro new jazz, those dances are tooo popular to teach recently....

回 4楼(ying盈) 的帖子

[s:209] 终于等到了呀~呵呵能睡安稳觉了~谢谢yingying开班哦!
in flying dance there are alot monday thursday and saturday
new location Borealis,   facing parker place 260-4351 No. 3 Rd Richmond

Re:Richmond 流行街舞課(  New location)

请问盈盈korean mv 能说几个例子不?像sj的bonamana算么?
是的,都是現在比較流行的,不過在richmond教的是比較女生的 比如說 SNSD, After school, Kara, 4 minute, T-ara  etc 如果注意看其它的帖子,每一隻舞蹈我都有post詳細的連接
[quote]引用第3楼girl于2010-05-27 21:34发表的  : 天哪!也太远了吧....4号路过去......[s:206]有bus过去么? [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=248001&pid=5770787][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] 我每次开车从ubc 一直跑到hasting & boundary  你自己住在richmond还嫌远。。。

Re:Richmond 流行街舞課(  New location)

i'm interested in learning korean mv dance in richmond. is the time still same? how much per lesson? and can i just join rite away? thx [s:201]
yes, you can join right way, from this week i will teach new routine friday 815-915pm sunday 11-12pm charge 50$ for 4 classes any questions contact 778 863 0815

Re:Richmond 流行街舞課(  New location)

o great~ wut dance r u starting this week? and how many classes does it take to learn a complete dance?
usually 4 classes finish one dance I will start to teach this SNSD chair dance [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYAkNMWvqSU&feature=related[/url]
so tom we can just go at 8 and pay and join rite [s:199]
yes, just pop up to the class
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