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一个是深爱自己的女生,为了我,她可以抛弃一切 一个是自己所爱的女生,为了她,我可以无怨无悔 前者已有亲近,她的第一次表白,我就这么答应了 后者关系朦胧,我的第一次表白,就这么被她回绝了。(那时因为她刚刚失恋,我以为是个机会急了点~) 与前者,我们似乎总有志向上的差异,然而却彼此相容, 与后者,我们无话不谈彼此视为知己,当然我自私的不满足这个关系。 离开前者,毕竟已有亲近,伤害比深,我不想在人家处留下骂名,况且人家真心对我,我不忍心。 离开后者,怕有朝一日沧海桑田,悔恨当初,毕竟之间有太多的认同。 现在我在这里,一个在日本,一个在中国,日本也每年去2~3次,回国更是家常便饭 诸位,换做各位如何取舍? [s:199]
LZ很幸運,找到一個愛你的人.. 如果是我,我會珍惜愛我的人
[quote]引用第1楼t_t_l于2010-04-12 12:25发表的  : LZ很幸?找到一個愛你的人.. 如果是我,我會珍惜愛我的人[/quote] 我也想珍惜,可是心里总藏着一丝忧虑,她也知道我们俩有一些不同。有时候会很难找到话题,两个人就这么彼此在skype上~我尽量想让我们两个多一点共同语言,然而两个很多时候在一起,我都是为了sex,很难找到那种互相感动,互相学习,互相激发的那种感觉。刚开始说实话,我那时候刚失恋,我纯粹就是很卑劣的想尽快找个慰藉,后来不知道怎么良心发现,觉得自己没法这么不负责任地离开
  對於前者,既然不愛就離開她,讓她找一個愛她的人,長痛不如短痛。 能遇到一個你愛的容易,努力去追吧。不要讓自己有後悔的机会。
[quote]引用第2楼conandoyle于2010-04-12 12:34发表的  : 我也想珍惜,可是心里总藏着一丝忧虑,她也知道我们俩有一些不同。有时候会很难找到话题,两个人就这么彼此在skype上~我尽量想让我们两个多一点共同语言,然而两个很多时候在一起,我都是为了sex,很难找到那种互相感动,互相学习,互相激发的那种感觉。刚开始说实话,我那时候刚失恋,我纯粹就是很卑劣的想尽快找个慰藉,后来不知道怎么良心发现,觉得自己没法这么不负责任地离开[/quote] The Good News: You might be messed up a bit, but at least you know what you are thinking, you own yourself. (it is super hard so congratulations!) The Bad News: It is your responsibility to live a happy life, and it is also your responsibility to let others know what you really want from them. Stop treating others merely as means because you are hurting others and yourself. Tell her what you want from her (sex), and if she is okay with it, go ahead and enjoy the sex. If she is not very hot with the idea, you should let her go. The least responsible thing you can do is to maintain this relationship without telling the truth. Please have some integrity and courage. Conclusion: You are a brave man for posting this kind of stuff here. Keep it up and act like a man instead of a coward.
[quote]引用第4楼chetrs于2010-04-12 12:51发表的  : 很能理解你现在的心情,个人经验来说.....可能会打击你...两边都放弃吧....long distance relationship  will never work out......some ppl made it, with tears and unforgetable pains which may cause problems at any time....some ppl gave it up, but it does leave both sides more spaces for their future life and keeps perfect memories with u in ur rest life....but anyway...wish ur luck..face ur true feeling and choose the right person.  [s:204]  [s:207][/quote] I would have to agree. Long Distant might work for some couples, but it is not the best option.
[quote]引用楼主conandoyle于2010-04-12 12:20发表的 在爱与被爱间如何选择?纠结啊~~~~ : 一个是深爱自己的女生,为了我,她可以抛弃一切 一个是自己所爱的女生,为了她,我可以无怨无悔 前者已有亲近,她的第一次表白,我就这么答应了 后者关系朦胧,我的第一次表白,就这么被她回绝了。(那时因为她刚刚失恋,我以为是个机会急了点~) 与前者,我们似乎总有志向上的差异,然而却彼此相容, .......[/quote] I guess you want a long term relationship, so before talking about relationship, It is a good idea to figure out what you want from your life first. You have more than 60 years ahead of you(hopefully), so think really carefully and choose your values wisely. ( you can pm me if you want to know more) make a list of things you'd like from your imagined long term partner. Now really think hard and try to justify every item on the list with rational reasons. Do you think those girls are good for you?  Don't kid yourself and only think about it with a clear mind (you might need to "beat the plane" a couple times to get cleared up). In order to get facts straight,  It is best to make daily observations instead of investing faith in chatting or messaging. Good luck
楼主既然有爱的人 干嘛还找个不爱的人 伤害爱你的人 楼主这样做 连自己想要什么都不知道  希望你有个好结果
如果是我 心里有爱的人 就不会去接受另一个人 尤其是发生关系 反想 那个你说的你爱的女人 如果我是她也不会答应一个 说着爱我又在另一边和别人的女人为了性在一起的男人  这种男人我很排斥 当然萝卜白菜各有所爱  希望楼主爱的人也能真爱上你
如果是我 心里有爱的人 就不会去接受另一个人 尤其是发生关系 反想 那个你说的你爱的女人 如果我是她也不会答应一个 说着爱我又在另一边和别人的女人为了性在一起的男人  这种男人我很排斥 当然萝卜白菜各有所爱  希望楼主爱的人也能真爱上你
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