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[quote]引用楼主猪事丁于2010-04-06 11:03发表的 那种比较痛苦。。。。。 : 哎....有时候控制自己的心却控制不了自己的脑...... 喜欢一个某人而某人不知道你喜欢他。。。。 这种感觉痛还是...... 去想念一个人痛。。。。?? 我真的好想知道这2种感觉有区别吗??? .......[/quote] I cannot evaluate emotions since they are highly subjective. However, I'd like to offer some solutions. 喜欢一个某人而某人不知道你喜欢他   Let him know, and see if he is as interested.  You also need to understand that the best man for you is the man who is compatible with you, and compatibility cannot be measured by look/money/degree/work experience etc. With this in mind, don't be afraid to ask. If he is interested as well, then carefully evaluate if you two can grow together(open mind is a must). If he is not interested, you should forget about his business and move on with your life. There are wonderful men out there, and your job is to find the right one. 去想念一个人 there are two possible scenarios: 1/ ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend scenario: remind yourself the reason you guys separated. Everything happens for reasons; don't forget those reasons and learn from them. 2/some friends you really miss scenario: call them, and talk to them if it is someone you are having a relationship with, then it should be sweet instead of painful. if it is someone you like/love in one direction, refer to 喜欢一个某人而某人不知道你喜欢他. My advices on this issue are hard to follow(even for myself), so here are some extra tips. 1/Whenever you got stuck in an emotional whirlwind, avoid making decisions. Instead, try some exercises like yoga or jogging.( I would suggest boxing: nice workout, good self defense technique) 2/Constantly remind yourself that it would be great if the man you like shares the same feeling, but your happiness doesn't and shouldn't totally depend on him. 3/When your mind is clear, write down your rules for mate selection. Harshly examine them to make sure they are realistic and constructive. Good Luck  
[quote]引用第23楼eddeng于2010-04-11 11:37发表的  : I cannot evaluate emotions since they are highly subjective. However, I'd like to offer some solutions. .......[/quote] 成个温哥华静系你先识讲英文吖?系度晒英文吖?扮晒鱼虾蟹.
[quote]引用楼主猪事丁于2010-04-06 11:03发表的 那种比较痛苦。。。。。 : 哎....有时候控制自己的心却控制不了自己的脑...... 喜欢一个某人而某人不知道你喜欢他。。。。 这种感觉痛还是...... 去想念一个人痛。。。。?? 我真的好想知道这2种感觉有区别吗??? .......[/quote] 喜欢就追吧。。错过就没了。呵呵。喜欢一个人不应该是痛苦的啊。。
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[s:199][s:199][quote]引用第25楼吃人鱼于2010-04-24 17:11发表的  : 成个温哥华静系你先识讲英文吖?系度晒英文吖?扮晒鱼虾蟹.[/quote] 哎。。。[s:199][s:199][s:199][s:199]
[quote]引用第26楼伤心的时候于2010-04-25 01:22发表的  : 喜欢就追吧。。错过就没了。呵呵。喜欢一个人不应该是痛苦的啊。。 [s:200][s:200]痛苦真的好难受~~~
[quote]引用第30楼kevin鱼于2010-04-25 17:37发表的  : 我用时间去安慰自己~[/quote] 那样会更痛[s:205]
[quote]引用第8楼怕高的甜食于2010-04-06 22:49发表的  : [s:184] 唉,至少你有喜欢的人~~ 孤单的滋味最痛苦 [s:182][/quote] 暗恋is more痛苦ba..>"<
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