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[s:204] [s:204] [s:204] 现在的男生太高斗鸟... 难泡鸟... 有啥好的必杀技可以传授??? 可以给咱们这些独行侠推展下... [s:210] [s:210] [s:210] [s:210] [s:210] 太久没刷帖,无聊找事干!
沙发 。。。 色诱
送礼物 [s:200]
從男生角度~: 通常 女生最厲害的必殺技 就是自動 跟男生打招呼~ 然後聊著聊著 就說 妳有msn 嗎?或者是..."有空一起出來完好嗎? 妳電話幾號"? 然後培養日久生情 就...能把男生 永遠抓住的~
Know your cars.  Then talk like a pro. If engines [i]really[/i] ain't your thing, then wear lululemon pants instead.
不是嗎? 你想找什麼男生呢? ------------------------------------------------- 『出租』楼上全层、或单房出租 Fraser 夹47街楼上出租全层套间(不与屋主一起住) 千八尺 三或四大房一厅、有厨房、洗衣房,交通、购物方便; 包暖气、水费。 可单房出租,共用厅厨厕兼洗衣房等; Bus直达UBC、LANGARA COLLEGE 等中、大学。 可租给 老师作为补习班、 国际留学生! 请立即电:(604)327-8731 找李太 或者可帮你转达 QQ:529727996 /e-mail:sue_5295517@hotmail.com
dont' 追男生,  girl 追男生 never have good ending. all ways end in a disaster,  man much rather have it as you are some one they can't have and complain about how they can't have you than to actually have you ....i know....stupid ay?!! man never appreciate things that comes easy to them, even when you are way way better than the girls they can normally get. I rather be alone then to chase a guy. [s:204]
plus, man dont like nice girls, they say they do, but they don't , they fall for the ones who are liars and have mutible guys on the side. and then they blog about how they want a nice girl.......wat a joke...
[quote]引用第9楼bunnyface于2010-04-02 12:35发表的  : plus, man dont like nice girls, they say they do, but they don't , they fall for the ones who are liars and have mutible guys on the side. and then they blog about how they want a nice girl.......wat a joke...[/quote] 不是绝对的..
追到了也是空 看你想得到什么 一夜缠绵 还是灵魂  一切随缘
真诚是最关键的! 别同时绕着几个男生,想跑场的一样!!   世界上没做不到的事,一是用心没,二就是时间问题了!
看什么样的男的了 如果对方特老实, 人又不错的, 你要让他感觉出你并不讨厌他, 而且适当的时候, hint他一下, 其他人也在追你,你不知道怎么选啊, 什么的 如果他对你有意思, 就会自动跟你告白拉, 没意思的话, 就寻找下一个目标吧!!!
[quote]引用第9楼bunnyface于2010-04-02 12:35发表的 : plus, man dont like nice girls, they say they do, but they don't , they fall for the ones who are liars and have mutible guys on the side. and then they blog about how they want a nice girl.......wat a joke...[/quote] LOL, I don't blog about how I want a nice girl??? I blog about the "who are liars and have multiple guys on the side".
女生追男生哪里还用追的啊。。。   喜欢就直接告诉他好了啊。。男的喜欢就是喜欢,不喜欢就是不喜欢。。男生不受什么感动这套的。
我提供此类型家教 楼主有意请PM联系方式
悲剧啊 Sue姐你霖住扣仔啊?
[quote]引用楼主sue_dai于2010-04-02 00:28发表的 直接点....如何追男生! : [s:204] [s:204] [s:204] 现在的男生太高斗鸟... 难泡鸟... .......[/quote] 带他去周游世界,回来后买部新MB或BMW给他,钥匙扔给他的时候,告诉他以后就跟你混了。
[quote]引用第19楼yes于2010-04-02 17:44发表的 : 带他去周游世界,回来后买部新MB或BMW给他,钥匙扔给他的时候,告诉他以后就跟你混了。[/quote] It's MB, car must end with a AMG. If it's a BMW, ensure it's starts with a M.
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