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emily carr的工业设计 

emily carr的工业设计

看上去这个工业设计比一般的设计项目含有更复杂的层面。甚至可以说是几乎所有被造品的核心. 小到平面达到医疗器材或者更夸张的设计。 我一直就想去emliy carr拿这门课,但是想到既然这个是里面最有名的科系的话,那么对作品的水准一定比一般作品的水准高。 不知道有没有人这里面学这个专业的。
我认识朋友念这个毕业的 貌似发展的不错现在
[quote]引用第1楼kirayamato于2010-03-07 02:17发表的  : 我认识朋友念这个毕业的 貌似发展的不错现在[/quote]    是哦,那在他入学的时候,学校有没有特殊要求他什么?
[quote]引用第2楼vi2于2010-03-07 11:16发表的  :    是哦,那在他入学的时候,学校有没有特殊要求他什么? [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=238481&pid=5575605][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] 沒有特殊要求 算是很好進了
HI all, I had friends who graduated from Industrial Design from ECUAD. From what I recall, you have to the first year general study (another topic) at ECUAD and then apply for Industrial Design or other specific major when you are going into the second year. OR if you have enough credit from other accredited school (e.g.) Kwantlen, Capilano,  Langara etc., you can apply for transfer into second year with credits you accquired from those schools. On top of that, you will have an interview with the faculty and show your portfolio which might be the toughest. I think the entry rate is about 1 in 3 or 1 in 4. Good luck to you and give me a shout if you have more questions!
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